Friday, February 12, 2010

Can you help me answer these true or false History questions?

True of False:

1. Scientist agree that Neanderthals were the first truly modern humans

2. Cities differed from villages only in size

3. Technology advances, social ranking, and trade developed once people were not worried about basic survival

Your help is greatly appreciated!

]Can you help me answer these true or false History questions?
False, one current theory is that Neanderthals evolved separately to Cro-Magnon and subsequently died out

False, Trade structure, social welfare and elaborate complex society are pretty big factors in these differences, however there is a rough argument that on a ratio a village would eventually grow into a city given the correct factors.

True, I uphold this theory anyway, there's strong evidence that static communities develop better and faster than nomadic ones. Once an abundance of food and stable security was established resources could be diverted to technological advancements.

Given all the answers you've had differ I suggest there's a good case for some research and formation of your own arguments.

Good luck.Can you help me answer these true or false History questions?
1. True. Some are still around today. They play football, enter politics and teach PE. I saw one on television last night. His name was George W. something or other, I forgot.

2. False, cities had pudding and villages had beer.

3. True. Once societies had agricultural surpluses and did not have to worry about where the next meal was coming from, ';I believe I'll have a beer. And some pudding.'; people could pursue things other than hunting and gathering. ';That's good beer. But hold off on the pudding until we invent refrigerators.'; And occupational specialisation developed. And not just for spearhead makers and moose dressers. People had to be able to keep track of their wealth, so accountants and lawyers (the real oldest profession) and others developed. Writing was invented and math was discovered. And the math for keeping track of everything was needed (Algebra was invented by an accountant wanting to divide up his client' estate among the heirs.) But I digress. Where's that beer? And society and civilization (or sillyvization as my daughter calls it) grew up. She likes chocolate pudding.



1. False

2. False

3. False

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