Wednesday, February 10, 2010

True or False: The older you get the more sex is expected in a relationship?

Or is it the other way around?True or False: The older you get the more sex is expected in a relationship?
i think it depends on the spark in a relationship not the age.

age doesn't define sex drive, but rather sexual performance.True or False: The older you get the more sex is expected in a relationship?
Sexual expression isn't an expectation or a right, it is an honored gift meant to be shared unselfishly. W@hen you make it a condition then it becomes a ponderous duty and loses its mystique.I am 50 and in love with a beautiful 38 yr old who adores me. We spend at least 4 to 5 hours when we express our most intimate desires and each has the others pleasure and happiness as a motivating factor, which makes for a most cosmic experience, and you can only experience the ultimate depth of love when it is given unselfishly.
Lol, the other way? The younger you get the more sex you get, this is a ridiculous question.

Of course sex is expected more as you get older, and then it declines when you get too old, because your level of testosterone decreases.
Count the number of times you have sex in the first year of you relationship. That is number you will have sex in the remainder of the relationship.

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