Monday, February 8, 2010

True or false: Hitler took power and consolidated his regime through democracy?

True..True or false: Hitler took power and consolidated his regime through democracy?
Sort of. Yes Hitler and the National Socialist party were elected, but the politics of 1930s Germany was different than today. Often you would have brawls and street fights between different political parties and serious intimidation of voters. After Hindenburg died Hitler was appointed Chancellor. Also, in 1933 the Reichstag (German Parliament) was firebombed. the Nazis blamed this on their Communist opponents but many people believe that Hitler and the Nazis did it themselves. The Reichstag fire gave Hitler enough popular support to pass the Enabling Act in 1933 giving him dictatorial powers.

Alot of people seem to be confused, the Nazis weren't DEMOCRATIC Socialists, they were called the NATIONAL Socialists. The Nazi party's full name was the National Socialist German Workers Party.True or false: Hitler took power and consolidated his regime through democracy?
Exactly was called Democratic Socialism

So did Kim Il Sung in the Democratic Socialist Republic of North Korea.

First the people elected them and they turned to Socialism and then to Dictatorship.

Politics are the same today as it has been since the political system came about. The only difference is different sounding words used to mean, do and say the same thing.

Very similiar an Act that the major majority of people do not know about will be signed into affect that was sponsored by Obama and pushed by Biden that will allow the US to be taxed by the UN. It has a nice sounding name ';Global Poverty Act';..Who knows what else is hidden in the shadows that will lead to a one party systems in this country and give the ones in power more power so their decisions can not be contested.
You're on the right track, homie. Keep going, and follow along exactly what went on in the US at the same time as Hitler's rise to power. Then, look what happened after Sept. 11th and ask yourself where our 'well regulated militia' went. Look up The Night of the Long Knives. What would happen if the federal government ever decided to reach that one step further than the Patriot Act? Have they already? Why would a President not want the average citizen to have a semi-automatic with a detatchable magazine, knowing full well it encourages gun crimes t
Sort of true. The Nazi Party used a lot of violence and intimidation to ';win'; seats in the Reichstag. After the Reichstag fire, the Nazis used fear-mongering to get the Enabling Act passed, which gave Hitler dictatorial powers. This was a little like the Patriot Act after 9/11.
true. he insprired his crowds through powerful speaches. after President Hindenberg died, he paved the way for an authoritarian government. great public speakers have often been the ones to fear the most, as Hitler was not the only one.

He took away private firearms, arrested people who opposed him publicly, and made those who cling to their religion the enemies.

But he gave a great speech!
Yes, he did. However he did it similar to Saddam Hussein, by killing off or threatening all his opponents. technically, Saddam was elected, but needless to say he ran ';unopposed';
yep, thay called it democratic socialism
I plead the fifth.
Yeah, he did.

Wonder what brought this to your mind...?

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