Friday, February 12, 2010

True or False: The President of the United States is a servant of the people first and foremost?

What do you think and why?True or False: The President of the United States is a servant of the people first and foremost?
True and false, together. Ours is a representative democratic republic with a Constitution. The Constitution defines the limits of the federal government and the power of elected officials. Once the people elect a president by the electoral college, he or she has a great amount of discretionary power, including being the Command in Chief of the military forces.

Every elected official and all members of the military take an oath to, '; and defend the Constitution of the United States';. The President doesn't take an oath to be a servant of the people.

The Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights states that powers not specifically designated to the Federal government belong to the states or the people.

So, it seems that he is not directly a servant of the people.True or False: The President of the United States is a servant of the people first and foremost?
True, he should absolutely be a servant of the people, and for the people.

He needs to balance the needs of the elected officials from different states that are representing their communities, cities, counties, and come to decisions that are better for the whole of all states, for America. United we stand, divided we fall.
Yes true in theory:

We hire him by the election campaign interview process: We fire him by voting for the other guy.

How'd you like to go though an interview process like that every time you applied for a job.

Just like Jesus was a servant.

(Or am I gonna get sh*t from the atheist activists for making that comparison?)鈥?/a>

i am All for obama, i voted for him and it all sounds good.

but...... we will have to watch and wait!!!

but again that is supposed to be the idea, isn't??
A servant leader, not a servant. He is the commander in chief now, and leads.
I certainly think that it should be true, but in reality, it isn't at all.
you just became king obama's servant
True, The people put him in power and it's his job to protect and work on behalf of his country.
^I agree.
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