Friday, February 12, 2010

Would you say the following two statements are true or false?

Society in general regards people who talk to God as holy. But society in general regards people whom God talks to as insane. Do you agree or disagree with this?Would you say the following two statements are true or false?
Even religious people think they're nuts!

If you're a clergyman or a nun you can get away with it. For the rest of mankind it's a straightjacket.Would you say the following two statements are true or false?
I agree, but I have something to say to 14 black scholar:

In the holy texts of nearly every religion, god gives proof to those with whom he speaks, tablets, miracles and the like, when someone comes up to me and says they've spoken to god, I ask for proof, show me a tablet that couldn't have been carved by human hands, part the storm drain over there, turn that stick into a snake, something, if god is with you, let god prove himself to witness' other than the one! Let him prove himself en-mass, big head in the sky style, not privately to one person without giving them proof!

One person can be crazy, and books can be written by one person. Let god prove himself to hundreds of people right here, right now, in this day and age, leaving evidence to convince others who weren't present! I'll believe when there's reasonable evidence to compel me.
You see their is no way to win with atheists because they are so close minded.

If someone experiences something considered to be paranormal they will quickly point out that person is hallucinating and that he is deluded.

Numerous atheists have stated they would believe in God if he would just show himself. Yet God has shown himself to so many people but, atheists quickly dismiss it by saying this person is deluded.

In short their is no way to win with atheists.

If you experience something paranormal they will quickly call you deluded.

You see here is the problem I have with atheists. They believe in naturalism and if it is true that means your brain by a random process that isn't very interested in making you intelligent. All it cared about is making babies. Okay that means since you were formed by a naturalistic process that was not intelligently designed well you would have to believe your brain is functioning properly without any proof that it is. Because you are using the brain to see if your brain is functioning properly. Which is circular reasoning you have to be intelligently designed to claim with certainty that your brain is functioning properly and that your truth claims corresponds with reality because is naturalism is true you cant trust your brain because no one designed it intelligently it just formed by random chance with no concern if your Cognitive abilities were able to form true beliefs concerning reality . So for atheist to claim they are a naturalist they cant be because they cant account for anything in the natural world and their cognitive abilities are in question because they believe it formed by a random process. You can take what they are saying seriously because they cant prove or disproves if their cognitive abilities correspond with reality. So naturalism refutes itself.
Societies with a more spiritual view of life will see those that talk to God as holy. Those that are culturally based on the mental and omit the spiritual will see those that talk to God as insane because they do not understand spiritual things. Also, we would have to judge what people are saying God is telling them. God will not tell you to go out and kill your aunt or mother.
I disagree with the first part and agree with the second.
disagree with both.
I agree with I'm not mike, I think it is the other way around, although I think they are both a little touched

I disagree with the question as you posted it.
Yes, that's true (in a very general sense).

And there is a reason for that.
Who cares what society thinks? I'm a God pleaser, not a man pleaser.
i agree. altho it might not be true, but society does think this.
Isn't it the other way around?
Yes, and if the are Jesus that is very bad!

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