Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Regardless if its true or false, Can you prove the earth is flat?

Most of us know/believe that the earth is round. However, I thought it would be fun to see how people would justify an argument for the earth being flat. I have personally found an argument that is relevant to the idea of relativity ( e.g. it is flat to a certain extent). However, I am not looking for an answer like that. I am looking for an answer that doesn't use ay ideas relevant to the idea of relativity.Regardless if its true or false, Can you prove the earth is flat?
Of course we can see and feel that it is flat.. no proof is required for that. It is only because it is flat that it is so still, no matter how many of us at the same time move on it or jump on it... a round object should have been rather unstable. If it was not flat and stable, how could it hold so much water covering almost three-fourths of its surface?Regardless if its true or false, Can you prove the earth is flat?
A friend of mine emailed me an e-mail of a video of a cohost of the tv show ';the view'; claiming she doesn't know whether the earth was flat or not, in addition she claims that nothing preceded jesus. You may have seen it it's quite funny. Later on i came across a website called the flat earth society where it claims to have members that believe that the earth is flat. I don't know if the member there who claim the earth is flat are just joking or playing around, but there are people claiming the earth is flat. Here is the link if you click on the ';flat earth clarification and Q'; it will get you started on what these people claim.
The earth is mostly liquid. Since liquid finds its own level it becomes flat. It's obvious when you look at the horizon.


Since we exist only on a two dimensional membrane of space-time we cab only be 2-D max.


Someone earlier stated that it was sometime around 1500 that we discovered the earth was round. This isn't entirely true. The Greeks knew the earth was a globe and even knew (pretty darn close) how big it was. All of the pre-Colombus scholars knew this stuff too. Colombus kind of fudged the math and supposed it was quite a bit smaller. That's why he thought he could sail around it to get to Asia faster than going around Africa. Only the uneducated might have supposed it was flat.

FINAL ARGUMENT: I've seen many pictures of earth, even from space they are all flat.
the earth is not flat beacuse when ever i drip water on it i wouldnt move!
who ever did say that the world is round anyway ?!? why should you believe any one who told you the earth is round ?!?!!

maybe the world is really flat .... maybe they lied and told you its round. ..... it might be a conspiracy !!!!!

be sure it is flat by friend .
One of the arguments will be-If the earth is round like a ball then the person on the opposite side will fall. But It does not fall so the earth must be flat.
There are three ways to prove that Earth is indeed flat!

1. Go to an open field where the terrain is completely flat. Use strong binoculors to look all around you, and you would not see any evidence of the ground ';curving below you.';

2. Open up any text book on science or astronomy, written prior to 1500, and you would find it written clearly that the earth is flat. Text books cannot be wrong.

3. Find people in these countries/regions to take part in this experiment (or, if there is any budget for this study, it is better to ask your friends to fly to these lands): California, New York, South Africa, London, Mecca, Moscow, Singapore, Sydney, Antarctica, Greenland, Anchorage, and the North Pole. Initite a conference call to include all these people. Tell them all to stand up straight. Ask them if they are indeed straight. If Earth was round, then someone would report being upside down!

'hope this helps. Thanks.
It's flat
Look in the koran
The earth is flat because when I put my eyes flush with the surface and look ahead .. it looks pretty flat to me.

It's also flat because when I put a level on the ground, the ground is level.

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