Friday, February 12, 2010

Is there enough optimism in our world or not? True or false? What do you think of the statement below?

I actually think that there is not enough optimism today. My thoughts slightly differ that I think that organizations and government will have to do more to help the progress of the country, whereas in the past it was up to the individual to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and make something better for themselves. I believe that to energize this country we need more positivity in music, art, architecture, and thought, it will be these individuals that will change the psyche of the country.Is there enough optimism in our world or not? True or false? What do you think of the statement below?
I agree with several of your statements. It is no longer possible to succeed with good intentions, hard work and patience. The government does have to support the quality of life of more people. And it's true that more positive thinking and actions in all the areas you name will help create a more positive society, and generate healing among the sick at heart, thereby healing and improving our whole world.

Wish I could do more to make it happen!Is there enough optimism in our world or not? True or false? What do you think of the statement below?
Positivity is not going to help you when you can't pay your bills, and the ';man'; keeps shutting off your hot water. In order to be ';energized';, you have to have nation that believes in something. When you live in a ';democracy'; were majority rules and the majorities beliefs and decisions are usually the wrong one, coupled with a totally incompetent government, it's pretty hard to believe in anything. Great Britain (when it ruled the world), the Roman empire and Nazi Germany were particularly energized nation because they had belief system they upheld above all else. That's what got things done.
There will never be any amount of Optimisim which can not be seen by all around, we must be the change in the world we wish to see, for you see this is the golden age we fight over gold(money) but truth be the economy is tore up because rich people have all the money in the bank so you see the economy wont pick back up because the rich man will lose his power if he has no money and be just like you and me so you see no one is happy because everyone is poor, we as Americans can not see past Materilism and money, so is the first law of greed.

However Optimism wont save us that is a false hope, you can be happy and belive everything is going to be ok then 5 seconds later the earth explodes, did optimisim save you?
I'm so sick of positivity I can't tell you how much.

I believe Optimism is a disease. I wish people could distinguish Idealism from Optimism and be Idealists instead of Optimists.

An Idealist knows the world is going to crap on his dreams and he works for them anyway. An optimist thinks the world will applaud his crap and is shocked when they don't.

Fcuk Optimism, embrace Idealism.
There isn't much optimism out there because things do not look good. There is nothing to be optimistic about. What we as a nation need to do is question the government, take a stand and fight for what is right. They are taking away our freedoms, and most people don't see that. Most people just go with the flow.
it was never as you say it was.

answer mine:鈥?/a>

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