Friday, February 12, 2010

True or false: It hurts more to run from your fears than it does to face them?

A lot of questions here are of the nature ';I'm scared of X . . '; stopping people from doing what they need to do. Do you believe that it hurts more to run from your fears than to face them?True or false: It hurts more to run from your fears than it does to face them?
Yes I definitely think it hurts more to run away from fears then to face them. If I run away from my fears they definitely never stop chasing me and hounding me. I will continuously beat myself up about his fear and I cannot let it go. I find that once I decide to face the fear and do something about it I am so relieved it is over. I then start to think how silly it ws to carry that bagage over my shoulder for so long when all I needed to do is to dive in and get it done. I feel it is aways better to try and try again rather then hiding and hoping things will just change or go away.True or false: It hurts more to run from your fears than it does to face them?
Thank you for picking me for best answer. I try to spend alot of time answering my questions honestly and respectfully. It means alot when I know someone has taken the time to listen to what I have to say.

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True - Most of the time running from your fears keeps you running for a long time, facing them normally helps you to realize that there is nothing to fear or that the pain from facing it will stop once the confrontation is over.
I think they are equally pain-full. And if you face hem that doesn't necessarily mean that they will go away forever, but if you run from them then they definitely won't. So it sounds smart to take the chance.
Depends on the circumstances. I really wish people would stop asking such broad, general questions with a million possible answers.
When you come up against a fear, it is just that - COMING UP AGAINST IT!

The confrontation IS a contest and you will win or the fear will win.

Whichever side wins is strengthened by that win. If it is you who wins (by facing the fear) then YOU will become stronger. If the fear wins (and you run away from it) then IT will become stronger.

An added note is probably called-for here, though. The risk factor should be sensibly assessed regarding the action taken to confront the fear. While ';common sense'; should never be used as an excuse to continue avoiding facing one's fears, it should never be neglected or abandoned in the confrontation, either.

For instance, forcing one's self to stand in the path of an approaching tornado to overcome a fear of it would be ill-advised indeed! A better course fo action would be to, perhaps, watch videos of tornadoes and if you were really, strongly determined to raise your level of confront, perhaps a ';ride along'; with a team of competant, professionally-trained storm chasers.
It hurts more to run from them..when you stop to face them, your legs get a well deserved rest.
depends on the fears

in relationships it goes any shape or formed

illness in the long run if you run it may kill you but if you face it goes along why of healing inside out.

crime very true it will probably will still hurt if you do report it because it might happen again even may to you,

in life it is a gamble to have the guts to face fears but it is up to us to decide to run or stay to face our fears.....for me i face head on.
it hurts less to run, right then

in the long run, its best to face them
True. If you face your fear,then you would get over it and wonder, why was I so scared in the first place,but when you are running from your fear it can take over your mind for so long and you would never get over it with out facing it. So it is hurting you even more.
absolutely true! phobias can only be conquered when faced and overcome. living a life in fear of something is no way to live when you can just confront your fears and then lead a normal life, not being nervous or afraid of it anymore.
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