Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My theory is you can tell how clean a house really is by looking inside the microwave. True or False?

Okay -- TRUTH people! How clean is the inside of your microwave and does it tell the story about how clean your house really is?My theory is you can tell how clean a house really is by looking inside the microwave. True or False?
I like the way you think. This only MY opinion. My microwave stays fairly clean as does my house. Hubby is always putting stuff in the microwave without a paper towel and it always has a tendency to explode. I think that people who have dirty microwaves in their house may have tidy houses but they are probably missing the little stuff. I don't want hate email about MY opinion but then again I am a clean freak. Good question.

God Bless YouMy theory is you can tell how clean a house really is by looking inside the microwave. True or False?
lol...great idea...and I bet you're right. it certainly corresponds with my experience.
Thats rediculous. The answer is no.
I think it's false. I forget to clean my microwave sometimes. But the bathroom and kitchen and rest of the house are clean. They're more visible to visitors.

If you want a measure of cleanliness, peek in the windows of their car. As a landlord, how someone keeps their car is a sign of how they'll keep house.
That is totally can't judge a book by it's cover, nor can you judge a person's cleanliness by their microwave.
False, my microwave came with the fiance. It was dirty and I refuse to clean his old mess. The rest of my house is Very clean.
I will say thats a good question there but to me you can tell a clean house the minute you walk into one and by judging that the microwave would be clean too because a person wouldn't like the way it look inside especially if they are a clean freak
My micro is spotless, and that is a true story
I disagree, I use my microwave a lot for heating up and clean it often. but tend to be lax in areas not used as often and that's honest!
My microwave never gets dirty. Neither does my house.
False, some people that don't eat don't eat microwavables .

If youw ant to see if a house is very clean check the toilets and kitches areas. If they are nice a clean and smell clean then the house is good to hook.

If you wlak into the bathroom and smell piss...don;t eat there.
False. A lot of people are very careful about food hygiene. If you really want to see how clean the place is, pull the refrigerator out from the wall and look under it.
Way off,false-the wife keeps the house in good order,but i did something wrong,you know how pop corn in the micro. took 4Min's. well that's what i put it on,and the smoke alarms went off,almost caught on fire,anyway it scorch the inside the micro. and i can't get out,less your theory.
My microwave oven is spotless and so is my home-absolutely true, you can ask my family and friends. I am obsessive about a clean home.

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