Friday, February 12, 2010

True Or False: Anything bad can be attributed to your party, while anything good is thanks to my party?

You said a mouthful there, mate!

There's so much hot air generated on Yahoo's political categories we probably melt a f*cking ice cap a night.

Ah, hey...True Or False: Anything bad can be attributed to your party, while anything good is thanks to my party?
False. Although it is because you can't write the sentence in the structure you want. Now if you like the same party as me then clearly it is true. Seriously though I am an independent. I'll admit I lean toward the Republicans. However I have voted for Democrats over Republicans(on State ticket) sometimes. They aren't all bad, but I go by the person and what I know of their views.True Or False: Anything bad can be attributed to your party, while anything good is thanks to my party?
Anything good that happens during the Obama administration will be credited to Obama. While everything bad will be credited to Bush.
False: Political Parties are liken parent's children. Sometimes they embarrasses you, and other times they provide proud moments. We love them but sometimes are not to be held for their individuals acts.
False. Only a simpleton would believe that.


Damn Democrats.
False be honest these days both parties suck.
Thats how it works in this country. Love it or leave.
Okay...what ever floats your boat!!

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