Friday, February 12, 2010

True or false: Putting people in jail, and fighting wars is more important than anything we do for ourselves.

It is costing trillions to fight needless wars, and jailing drug users. No wonder we are in a recession. Our priorities are wrong.True or false: Putting people in jail, and fighting wars is more important than anything we do for ourselves.
False to the initial question. One in 3 inmates are current incarcerated for minor drug possession charges at a cost in excess of $35000 per person per year. Drug prohibition is not only costing us billions per year to enforce and imprison, it is causing us a similar amount in lost revenue due to the money that could have been raised through taxation (similar to alcohol and tobacco).

Bombing the heck out of a country to capture their leader (who was never a threat to us) is akin to burning down your house to kill a fly. The money (and lives) could have been better spent (or, heaven forbid, SAVED).

Yes, our priorities are wrong. We are paying to rebuild a foreign country while our own collapses due to lack of adequate funding. We are jailing people for minor, victimless crimes while ';promoting'; freedom and liberty abroad. We whine about the senseless slaughter of 4000 people on 9/11, but don't bat an eye at the deaths of an estimated 1 million due to our actions in Iraq. The hypocrisy of this administration (and our government as a whole) is astounding.True or false: Putting people in jail, and fighting wars is more important than anything we do for ourselves. the Govt c's it ! ! !
You are right our priorities are wrong. Unfortunately you and I are not making policy.
Those are 2 separate issues. I don't want drug dealers on the streets and committing crimes.
False in the most part, but some of that can't be avoided. I do agree that Iraq is a useless and ill-conceived war, but if someone actually attacked us directly, then it would be necessary to defend ourselves. And although the drug laws are ridiculous, we still need jails for those who have shown they cannot live in polite society.
If someone intentionally wanted to destroy the US, they could not develop a better plan鈥攐r execute that plan more successfully鈥攖han what the neocons and Bush Administration have accomplished.
America has been a country for a little over two hundred years - and we've been in ten major wars.

That adds up to a war for every generation ....

We are war minded people!
I am continually surprised by questions like this because there is an implication that the US are the ';good guys'; trying their best to clean up a lawless town. (the cowboy scenario). Their was a time in the past when it was like that. Long ago.

Not any more. Your true/false choice is simplistic.

You have become the thing you tried to kill.
Yeah, well if Ron Paul had won the Republican primary we would have a candidate who will end the Iraq war, not engage in other pointless wars, and stop locking up non-violent drug offenders. Too bad the American people dropped the ball on this one.
I rather make money.

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