Monday, February 8, 2010

True or false: Unethical behavior is best defined as anything that is in violation of a prof. code of ethics?

In counseling and psychotherapy practices is it true or false that unethical behavior best be defined as anything that is in violation of a professional code of ethics? Why or why not?True or false: Unethical behavior is best defined as anything that is in violation of a prof. code of ethics?
As your questions asks specifically about counseling and psychotherapy practices, then yes, true.

Because counselors, psychotherapists and the like have a professional responsibility, according to the ethics code to practice according to that code. The Code of Ethics was made to protect the vulnerable - especially in a psychological setting where all trust is placed into the hands of the psychologist, counselor, etc., and if that trust is broken by the psychologist through transference (power-over), it can cause serious lifetime emotional damage to the patient.

I filed a Comlaint with the Medical Board in my State against my Psychologist and Psychiatrist and would have gone through to Trial, but the Judge ordered a back-to-back trial because one would be unduly prejudiced by the other's actions, so I chose to settle - it was over 1/4-million settlement. That is how important following ethics is. Also, the Medical Board went to the Attorney General's office who filed an accusation against the Psychologist.True or false: Unethical behavior is best defined as anything that is in violation of a prof. code of ethics?
Not necessarily true; only partially.

New and unusual situations arise every day.

No standard code of ethics is complete enough to apply to every situation.

Even the Golden Rule, ';Do unto others as you would have them do unto you';, does not always apply because different people may wish to be treated differently in a given situation.

That is why hospitals and other institutions have ethics committees.

Perhaps a combination of the Hippocratic oath (';First, do no harm';) and the Golden Rule would apply almost everywhere.
Ethics are everywhere...not just in professional friendship...ethics are a code of matter where that conduct takes place. Ethic are very important in Psychotherapy and Counseling...due to the fact that you have others lives in your hands.

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