Friday, February 12, 2010

I read somewhere that you can put siamese fighting fish in the same tank as goldfish? True or false?

Is it just certain types of golfish and is it a gender thing as well? i have 1 goldfish and would like to add a fighting fish to the tank, what do I do?I read somewhere that you can put siamese fighting fish in the same tank as goldfish? True or false?
Sure you can, but it's not a good idea.

1)Betta are warm water tropical fish. The need 75-85F temps. Lower temps result in lethargy, disease and early death. Goldfish are cold water carp types. They need temp below 73F, and ideally in the 65-68F range. Temps above 72 will result in oxygen deprivation, illness, and early death.

2)Betta tank mates should be fast swimmers, and not have showy fins. This pretty much rules out most gold fish.I read somewhere that you can put siamese fighting fish in the same tank as goldfish? True or false?
What you can do is put Betta in with other tropical fish. Especially those which are larger than him or swim a lot faster (since Bettas don't swim that well). After a few hours or days (at most), the Betta soon realises the other fish are not worth attacking and then lead a very 'normal' life with his other tankmates. In the streams of Thailand, bettas only need to protect their little corner of bubblenest so it really doesn't make any sense for him to kill anything in sight. Those who have lived in isolation will naturally be a little over-zealous, but they very quickly drop the act.

You should not put a betta and goldfish in the same aquarium because they require different water conditions to survive. Goldfish are coldwater whereas bettas are tropical fish. However they may still 'survive' in the same tank, although they will not thrive. Goldfish also tend to gobble food up whereas bettas are quite leisurely feeders so they may end up not getting anything to eat at all. If you really must have a betta, they can do relatively well in small tank set-ups or even a large bowl so that would be the better option for you.
Bad mojo, don't try it............. why would you want to do this?
I wouldn't put any other fish in the same tank as a Beta. Nothing good will result.
It depends. Is it a male fighting fish (betta)? If so, it can only be put in a tank with the shorttailed, common variety. You couldn't put a male betta in with fancy goldfish though, because it's instincts would lead it to attack the large finnage. If it is a female betta, it can be kept with any other docile fish.
you will end up with a dead goldifish most likely -- especially if the goldfish is male. male goldfish chase and nip -- thats not what a betta considers fun. goldfish are also poor swimmers and easy targets. there are lots of varieties of fancy goldfish -- they really are best with each other.
i love fighting fish......had them all my life.....and it depends on the fish.....if you want to i would suggest that you get one that is kep in a tank with other fish free swiming or in one of those cup things they are more likely too be okay.....i have had some that killed my gold fish and some that didn't
Listen to Ella above. I have Betta in all of my tanks with all types of fish. No Goldfish. Good Luck..%26gt;%26lt;%26gt;:)
As long as you goldfishes are bigger than the betta, it should be alright.

Anyway, betta's a unique fishes that only fight among it's own kind and won't disturb other spices.

They are even able to live in the same tank, if they are grown from the spawn, from small fries and with spacious enough tank. Most of the time, it's not advicible to put air-stone as it will ripple the water. When betta are old enough, water disturbance may cause them to starts fighting.

I believe that the answer is false because if you put a Betta in a tank with another Betta then they will fight to the death until one of them is dead and the winner will proceed to eat the other Betta's corpse so I personally wouldn't recommend it.
Oh heck no! The beta fish will eat the goldfish...ALIVE!
no goldfish thrive in coldwater conditions, and bettas are tropical. dont do it
Sometimes this is true. The basic thing to remember when it comes to bettas (fighting fish) is that they have fin envy. They will attack any fish that has bigger fins than they do, so if you're trying to put him in a tank with a fancy goldfish with long pretty fins, this is probably not a good idea. However, if you're trying to put him in with a ten cent comet goldfish, he should be fine.

One thing you can do to kind if see what will happen is to leave the betta in the bag or cup that you brought him home in, and just set it to float on the top of the water for awhile before releasing him in the tank. See what he does. If he feels threatened, he will spread his fins out as big as they will go in order to intimidate the other fish. And he will zip around a lot, basically swimming like he's very mad. If you notice this, and it doesn't stop after a minute or two, I would avoid putting the two together.

Bettas can live with other fish though. I currently have a betta in a tank with plattys, guppies, and firebelly toads, and they get along fine. I've previously had them housed with neon tetras as well, but neons are fragile and hard to keep alive.

Good luck

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