Friday, February 12, 2010

I heard that sattelites in space have the capability of seeing inside ones home? True or false?

A teacher told me this once and i didnt belive him. Now im starting too after i talked to a hacker i met at best buy. He told me the U.S Sattelites have the capability of being able to see inside ones home even with a rooftop ....Is this true? If not wat capability does the sattelite have that is sorta like it? Besides infared?I heard that sattelites in space have the capability of seeing inside ones home? True or false?
No, they can't.

They can only use Radio and visible light to see; none of these can penetrate wood and brick, or at least Radio won't give you anything.

Only wavelengths around visible light can be used to see people, radio just won't give an image.

Just look, I'm right, I deserve these points:鈥?/a>

Infrared can't get through the atmosphere.I heard that sattelites in space have the capability of seeing inside ones home? True or false?
If you happen to have a glass roof, yes!

As far as I know there is no known device that could be mounted on an average-sized satellite in order to allow it to see through your roof and into your house. Any device capable of doing that would have to be very large and prohibitively expensive to put into space. Consider that when you go to the dentist, it takes an x-ray machine about as large as your computer keyboard just to see past the wall of your mouth and look at your teeth from a distance of less than a meter. Now imagine how much more power you'd have to have in order to see all the way through a house roof from a distance of over 400 kilometers! I don't think you have to worry about this yet.

That said, your privacy ends once you step outside the front door. Without any thick, opaque roof between you and the satellites, it becomes much easier to take pictures. Modern spy satellites have sufficient resolution to pick out individual people on the ground, distinguish between a sedan and a pickup, tell whether a person is carrying a suitcase or not, and so on. Larger, more accurate cameras will probably be able to improve this even further, and it may soon be possible to recognize faces and read car license plates from orbit, if it isn't already.
There are all sorts of beliefs about satellites that will never be confirmed because they will always remain classified. I personally don't believe this; what technology is capable of seeing through roofs and ceilings ONLY, but NOT through floors and things? I just wouldn't work.

Here's something that IS true about satellites. The PRC is building, or at least testing, a device that prevents spy satellites from obtaining photographs of the terra, by sending a laser beam from the surface of the Earth to the satellite, thus blinding it.
If they are equipped with infrared, like the HST or the Spitzer telecsope, they could register the heat signature from your home. That would be a bout it, unless you were using your 15,000 watt microwave. Plus, most satellites in low earth orbit circle the earth so fast, they could only get a snapshot of earth, they would pass by your house too quickly. A geosynchronous orbit is WAAAY out there, and so even though those satellites are orbiting with the earth's rotation, they are so far away, the resolving power is so negligible, your house would appear as just a little 20x20 pixel ';blip'; on the image.
Absolutely false, someone has been watching too many movies. A satellite cannot see through solid objects and any satellite that can pick up infra red would only be able too see the outline of your house. The ';Hacker'; you met just wanted to sound cool.
When terrorist Eric Rudolph was on the run (1998-2003), police believed that he was hiding (literally) underground, either in a cave or a mine, precisely because they were unable to locate him with the satellite technology available at the time. It turns out that he wasn't, but that isn't really the point. So, make of that what you will.
False. If this were so, then presumably this see-through technology would be usable on the ground, too. Have you ever heard of that?

In general there's a lot of confusion between satellite photos and those taken from planes. When you're looking at your house on Google Earth, you're looking at a photo taken from an airplane. Cities, counties, etc., have periodic ';fly overs'; done for GIS and other purposes.
Before people go off about this teacher, bear in mind that we have to take with a grain of salt any conversation between a teacher and a child which is reported by the listener years afterwards.

Totally false, today's satellites do not have the resolution to image an object as small as a single person or see through solid objects.
false. sattelites can only see outside the home.
It's true, and I hear that the guys down at the NSA make bets on how many times you'll masturbate each day.
it might be true, but i doubt it. plus, why would the government want to look inside your house?

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