Wednesday, February 10, 2010

True or false - those who attempt to rationalise and respect the existence of al-quida and the taliban ?

are either sympathisers and thus, our enemy.

They are also unfit to be amongst us, as they harbour ideas and beliefs in their minds that are incompatible with civilised society and a moral human being.

Those who having read this, ridicule my statement and yet still wish to rationalise and respect the existence of al-quida and taliban are brainwashed by the far-left liberals or, simply, they are sworn enemy of civil society and a moral law abiding righteous society.

Now if all the above is FACT, tell me, am I lying ?True or false - those who attempt to rationalise and respect the existence of al-quida and the taliban ?
no you are not lying because its evident that everything you say is glossed with surplus amounts of intelligence, you are fast becoming one of my favourate question asking ppl on here lol

i agree with everything you said - those who sympathise or wish to try to 'understand' why they do what they do, are merely meek in the eyes of the terrorist and has given up the fight to destroy this cancer.

The cancer that is terrorism.

The war on terrorism must only intensify if we are to win it - and I feel that its an insult to my wayof life, if ppl tell me to 'see it from their pov'

what , you mean see it from the criminal barbaric terrorists pov ? no thank you - they dnot value their own life or anyone elses and are vermin.

So - TRUE @ your question.True or false - those who attempt to rationalise and respect the existence of al-quida and the taliban ?
al-qaeda doesn't exist it's a blanket term the government made up so you can hate a broad selection of extremists with differing agendas and differing, sometime even opposing, extreme beliefs without actually having to know what it is you are hating.

show me a single muslim extremist who claims to be a member of Al-Qaeda, show me one - there ain't any because there is no such organisation. its a contol tool - al-quaida is pure dogma.

the taliban do exist members will claim to be members of the taliban and they are organised as such. however many present individual memebrs of the taliban will have called them selves members of other factions during thier lives many have changed thier noted affiliation as the political climate of the country has changed.
those who attempt to rationalize and respect the existence of al-quida and the taliban are themselves terrorists!

You are not lying- it is time people look past all the misleading language and the false promises of peace and ';good feeling'; and call a spade a spade- a terrorist has no desire to be sympathized with - they terrorize and you are either with them, victimizing people or against them, a target for their attacks- this goes way past the criminal behavior of an oppressed society- this is terrorism and those who will not call it for what it is are traitors, terrorists and should be dealt with according to the laws of the land, in order to protect the peoples of this civil and moral law abiding society- not respected!
you have to chill. Im enlisting this summer, i hate the ******* hadjiis but at the same time you have to respect them as human beings. they are simply raised in a culture that supports that mindset and they believe in what they are doing. from our moral standpoint, that is wrong. I believe its wrong. Today is the ******* 8th anniversary of 9/11.

You can try and rationalize, and you might get somewhere. That doesnt make you an enemy unless you decide to become a threat to Americans. Thus you aren't an enemy unless you are one.
No not really.

I DO think that the Taliban must and should be destroyed. That does not mean that pacifist or neutral people are enemies and helping the terrorist. That binary thinking tends to lead to fascism.
I would say you are ill educated and pretty stupid rather than a someone who lies. You sound quite deranged - have you ever considered psychotherapy - it does really work you know.
You really can't have ';lies'; or ';truth'; when you're dealing with matters of opinion...
True. They should not be living in Western countries where they pose a threat to everyones safety.
take it your mother took away your pocket money again. well serves you right for not doing the dishes like a good little boy.
Yeah brother!

Now repeat after me... GAAAAWWWDDDD BLESS AMERICA!
This aint a question
well, uh....

EITHER sympathisers and thus, our enemy.

Where is part two of the either? You said either, but only listed one item. So they are either sympatheisers or clowns? What is part 2?

And I would say FALSE! There are people who are able to rationally understand WHY these people exist. These people are living in abject poverty. They are told, quite often from birth, that we are the devil, that these terrorists are fight for God. They are told this by their parents/family, their religious leaders and by political leaders. Why would they NOT believe it? See, I can rationalize their existance and respect their situation. But I still think what they are doing is WRONG.

Now, are you LYING? No, I ASSUME not. Lying implies

a) KNOWLEDGE that what you say is wrong

b) Deliberately stating it as truth anyway.

I doubt you are doing that. I think you are just phrasing your thoughts poorly or haven't thought about how someone can understand HOW they arrived at those feelings. How do you think people join the KKK? It is very similar. A group that is anti- another group gives you a powerful feeling. It allows you to point fingers of blame at someone. It gives you something to vent at. Wars start this way.

HECK, we did this. America is, at least in some small part, responsible for the situations that grow these terrorists. We have, in the past and present, done some things that made life worse for other people in these poor areas of the world. And instead of trying to fix it, we've made things worse. NOW, we seem to be realizing that their blame of us for their troubles SOMETIMES has a small basis in reality. But this still doesn't excuse their desire to hurt innocent people, twist God's word (no matter which religion) and send other people to do suicide missions instead of them. I notice the leaders aren't exactly doing a lot of the missions. It's always the younger/expendable members.

But I understand what you are saying. Yes, to some degree, if you have feelings of SUPPORT for them and agree with their actions, then that isn't good. I understand their motivations and even respect them A LITTLE knowing how screwed up their lives have been and how they THINK they are doing what God wants.

Now, as for those stupid Americans who join even though their lives aren't bad... they are WAY wrong.
Who do you know that tries to rationalize Al-Qaeda? Even other terrorists organizations have abandoned and ridicule Al-Qaeda.

now as for the Taliban, they were a government and not a terrorist organization, albeit not good people but still I mean how many govt's are wiped out because they are not nice, (I mean N. Korea, China, The Junta, and Iran still exist, I mean isn't Mugabe still floating around somewhere out there and he's not exactly is he?)

That being said the Taliban weren't invaded for being meanies anymore than Iraq was, The Taliban were invaded for harboring Osama bin Laden (Clearly a losing Idea) of course this all could of been stopped if George bush had finished the job instead of outsourcing it to the tribal chiefs who were at each others throats. But I digress, as far as, iraq trumped up charges of WMD which of course were there at some point as America gave chemical weapons to Saddam. But really it was a cover for the oil, and maybe finishing some family business.

But who respects Al-Qaeda and the Taliban? seriously? what kind of people do you socialize with?

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