Wednesday, February 10, 2010

True or false? One who goes to great lengths to hide his academic records and birth certificate must?

have something to hide? Please just use your own logic to answer the question. We all know there is only one answer.True or false? One who goes to great lengths to hide his academic records and birth certificate must?
Only one answer. You are correct, sir. Check out how some of the libs just slammed me on a similar question:;鈥?/a>True or false? One who goes to great lengths to hide his academic records and birth certificate must?
But your question is loaded: Has Obama in fact gone to great lengths to hide anything? Or has he shown us the only birth certificate that he is even allowed to possess?

First you invent a fact--Obama has gone to great lengths--then you try to get the rest of us to explain that fact ';logically.';

First, prove to us that he has gone to ';great lengths.'; Yes, I know he has fought lawsuits. But these lawsuits would have compelled a completely new election (that's what the complaints asked for) and besides, he has gotten every lawsuit dismissed with little effort at all by filing a single motion with the court.

We all know that people in this country base their conclusions on emotion, and not fact.

There is another answer. The question is why people are too gullible and wrapped up in their ';crusade'; to understand it.


the other reason is that it is an attempt to violate someone's civil rights, and discrimination, based on a hoax.

Obama is required to abide by the exact same legal standards as every other President, or even elected officials. All of whom are standardly investigated by the Federal Govt, AND none of those investigations are public documents.

You clearly lack the legal background that Obama has.

WHAT KIND of dipshet idiot/ President would allow persons to violate the law, against his civil rights?

Just like my kids.. if I tell them that THEY MUST ASK, AND I HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO SAY NO.. they will NOT get candy or anything, until they figure out that they have no right to demand anything. They can stomp their feet, scream, have tantrums, create lies.. anything they want.

One answer? simple. Obama is following the law.

by the way...

Ain't no one's fault but your own, since there IS another reason, and it seems to be beyond your comprehension.
Maybe you are right.

So why didn't Bush release his full military record when requested? And I'm referring to the crate of documents that are locked up in HW Bush's library.

Is this entire ';controversy'; over Obama's birth certificate, pay back for the criticism that Bush took in 2004?
False. They believe in privacy. Basic privacy rights. I don't give people my social security number. I'm not a criminal, it's just none of your **** business. Did you ask past Republican presidents for all of their private, HIPAA protected medical paperwork?
Obama has produced his birth certificate. He did so during the primary campaign. Only a hand full of wing nutters, impervious to logic and reason, don't accept it.
False. I will not share either of them with you either and I have nothing to hide. It si simply none of your business.

By the way, Obama has posted his birth certificate on the web so you must be ranting about someone else.
Be hiding something.
You give a whole new meaning to the phrase 'kind of slow'.
I'd have to go with ';true,'; Alex, for 200.
We all know that Bush was a low C student and wasn't really born in Texas so just get over it already.
be an unborn

is that what you're trying to say
And who would that be ?

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