Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Can you answer True or False to this logic question and give your opinion of Republicans and Democrats?

Jim killed a Dog with a Knife last week.

Jim is Human

Therefore, all humans are dog killers.

Now can you give your impressions of Republicans and Democrats?Can you answer True or False to this logic question and give your opinion of Republicans and Democrats?
No only humans name Jim are dog killersCan you answer True or False to this logic question and give your opinion of Republicans and Democrats?
Well, all humans DO have the potential for being dog killers. What if the dog attacked you? What if the only way to get it off of you was to stab it to death? You have to defend yourself against an animal that is maliciously attacking you, unless you want to puss out and let the darn thing kill you!

Not everyone goes around and kills dogs just for the fun of it, but sometimes there is a justifiable reason for killing a dog.

I'm a Republican and I don't think about things in black and white. There are always gray areas to consider. There are a lot of people, Republican and Democrats, who don't know the first thing about critical thinking and common sense.
I guess the truth to be told is......Can you find the truth ?

People gravitate to certain ideologies, and many of the basic ideologies are its not nice that some people are homeless or hungry. It isn't right for alot of things to be happening in the country, particularly today.

That premis can hold true, no matter what side of the political fence your on.

But where do we draw the line ? How many sell their preverbial soul to belong to one group or the other and all the while overlook the corruption, overlook the waste of OUR money as tax dollars, how many are willing to pick a side and stick it out just for power ? And where in all this process do you lose yourself, and lose sight of the original idea's of trying to help the country or people ?

As I see it, Republicans use to believe in conservatism whom wanted to make people independant. To fend for themselves, but the draw back is some people do'nt have the opportunities, or the seed money to accomplish the same as a business man, or the education. To compensate, we have basic social programs to help those individuals.

Where its problematic is you can't create a policy or program that accounts for the flaws of the human spirit. You will always have the lazy, the con men, the scammers and those willing to take advantage of a situation.

For the democrats, they embrace liberalism, which tends to focus on the fairness of a society. So sure, maybe it would be nice to give all the same opportunity, but reality soon frays at this notion since not all people are equally motivated, productive or driven. So there will always be separations due to the natural human spirit, and to keep down the successful in some bad notion of ';fairness'; so that you can equate the less talanted, less skilled or just plain less devoted is not fairness at all. And although the sentiment is nice, its not reality, and we the people shouldn't have programs thrust upon us to force equality...for God may have made up all equal.....but we all know that our hearts and our minds are not equal. Some have natural gifts others don't.

Then of course...there's the added degree of corruption that politicans have added to the mix. They insulate themselves from the voters so they no longer fear them. They use governmental created chaos and interference to gain support of the people by making the promise they will eliminate the problems...when they can't actually fullfill that promise. The housing scandal started all this, and it was governmental interference in the private sector and free markets that caused it. Now those same people are in charge of fixing it.

Sounds like the blind leading the blind, while the American citizen gets nauseous from the roller coaster ride of the economy.
President Obama nominated a tax-evading Democrat to a high public office. Then he nominated s 2nd one. Then he nominated a third tax evader. Therefore, President Obama only believes that tax evaders are the best decision makers, or maybe all Democrats are tax evaders.
Republican = black and white

Dem = gray

In another words, in the republican world one is either one thing or another, there is no gray, where as in the democratic world there is not enough information and to come to an informed decision is impossible.



Your statement is equivilant to:

A Moop is a Zoop.

This Moop is also a Yook.

Therefore all Yooks are Zoops.

Invalid. Only applies to one case. All Yooks COULD be Zoops, but the overall argument is invalid.

Republicrats and Demicans are idiots. The best and the brightest never go into politics. And for good reason. You'd have to be mental to. Would you?

Fact: Not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims.
Sarah killed a baby Moose with a gun last week.

Sarah is sub-human.

Therefore all of Sarah's followers are gun toting, trigger happy sub-humans?

And whichever party you consider yourself to be a part of, they have at least one crazy member.

And in fairness, so does the other party, but at least their crazy person didn't show out with his nuttery.


Your use of the word therefore make it false. As one said, you just pumped out a series of statements.

But by using the word therefore, you essentially made the last sentence mean that the first two sentences are proof that the last statement is true. The last sentence may or may not be true, but the first two sentences do not prove it.

Therefore (used correctly here), the last statement is false. While it COULD have been true had you left out the word ';therefore,'; you did not leave out the word ';therefore.'; Therefore, the statement is false.
Yea...damn you Democrats and the way you analyze things from different spectrums. Why don't you just look at things in black and white???

Republicans would, without a doubt, go with total agreement.

Democrats would point out the illogical of that statement.
And more Democrats don't admit to being ';for'; killing babies, just being pro-the choice to kill babies.
False logic.

MANY Republicans see issues in black and white terms...Many Democrats see the vast gray area in between.

The same 'question' could have been asked in the following way...and MANY (NOT ALL) Republicans would believe it to be true:

21 extremists hijacked US planes and ran them into the twin towers.

Those extremists came from Muslim families.

Therefore, all Muslims are extremists.
More Democrats are in favor of killing unborn babies than Republicans. That involves statistics, just just an individual case.
You didn't ask a logic question; you simple put forth a series of statements.
You sound like a typical democrat.

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