Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Is it true or false that horses have no feeling in their manes?

I have heard some people say that horses have no feeling in their manes and have heard others say that they do. Is it a myth or fact?Is it true or false that horses have no feeling in their manes?
Horses do not have any nerve endings in the roots of their tail or mane hair- and the hair comes away easily when it is pulled on. BOTH of these things are true for a REASON, and that reason has to with evolution. Horses are PREY animals. That means that other animals will attack and kill them in the wild, and consume them as food. The 3 main natural enemies of the wild horse are wolves, bears, and mountain lions. Each of these three types of predators has a different method for attacking and killing large prey like horses.

Wolves and bears are ground predators- they attack from the flanks and rear of the horse, and bring the animals down that way. Horses have tails which are long and thick as both a means of defense against biting flies and insects in summer, AND as a means of protection from these predators. The hair in the tail, like the hair in the mane, has no nerve endings in it, and it comes away easily when pulled on- which means that when the predator bites or attacks, all it gets is a mouthful of nasty tasting hair, instead of the horse's flesh or meat. The mane serves a similar purpose- yes, it provides temperature control and insect protection, but its main function is to protect the horse's neck and poll against attacks from above by a mountain lion.

Mountain lions are AMBUSH predators- their favorite method of killing is to wait in ambush for a horse to approach, and then jump off of or out of something like a tree, a rock, or a bush, ( and sometimes, even off a cliff or overhang) onto the back of the unsuspecting horse, where they then kill the animal by biting through the spinal cord at the top of the poll, near the horse's ears. Over millions of years, horses evolved manes as a protection against this kind of attack. In most wild horses, the mane is long and thick, just as the tail is, and it too comes away easily, so all the cat gets for its trouble is a mouthful of hair and a rude landing on the ground ( because NO horse tolerates having a predator like that one on its back, and they ALL will run, buck, rear, or do whatever they must to get rid of such a threat) or in the water. Once the cat is on the ground and off the horse's back, the horse will either run away, OR ( if the animal is a stallion or a mare who's defending a foal) will sometimes turn and kick or strike at the lion. Either way, the cat is going to get HURT, or possibly even KILLED, because it only takes a MILD BLOW from a horse's hoof to kill, especially if it hits the cat in the head.

So the answer to your question is that horses do indeed have no nerves at the base of their manes or tails.Is it true or false that horses have no feeling in their manes?
Well, their mane is hair, just like hair on anyone's head. of course it has no feeling. But when someone pulls back on it, they might rear or react funny to it cause it might hurt (i.e. when someone pulls your hair it hurts too.) Or pulling it might hurt cause you're literally pulling the mane out of the 'scalp' or neck of the horse to thin it..... I hope I helped :D
Though there is no way to know for certain how much they feel it is generally accepted that horses have very little to no feeling in the roots of their mane. Most of the time when horses react to their mane being pulled it is due to the pressure that the puller puts on to pull the hair out.
Its false. Each hair follicle is attached to a pore and under the pore are nerves, so if you pull on the hair they can feel it, and if you pull it out it hurts. Just some horses don't really mind it , like some people
probably a myth because when people pull on their manes they rear back, like when people pull on their reins i think...
They do not have feeling in thier manes. It's just hair. Of course, if you pull on it, they can feel it, but thats just like if I pulled on your hair.
Horses, just like humans have no feeling in there hair. There manes are often clipped in the summertime ,to keep them cooler.
its true, you can pull on it alll you want and it wont hurt.

thank goodness for that!
It is a myth. It is the same as cutting your hair, It does not hurt unless you pull on it.
It's true.
yes they have feeling in their neck so don't try punchin them in the neck 'kay.
pull on it hard enough and watch the horses reaction you will soon find out
well its juts like hair. its not any special specific hair. of course if you tug on it it will hurt them just like if someone tugged at ur hair

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