Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or false: All stop signs should be changed to yield to prevent 100% of motorists from being law breakers

As it is now, we are teaching Junior in the car disrespect for the law.True or false: All stop signs should be changed to yield to prevent 100% of motorists from being law breakers
hmmmmm, well I stop most of the time but you make a valid point.

I am guessing the vast majority of prison inmates had parents that ran stop signs, likewise terrorists most likely.

Sociologists have long pondered the reason for society's demise and downfall, I think you may have stumbled on the reason.

Instead of taking down all stop signs we should instate mandatory prison terms for this very very serious infraction, we cannot as a society afford to mommy-coddle these people any longer.True or false: All stop signs should be changed to yield to prevent 100% of motorists from being law breakers
Dude, you're funny. Only for the first reason you gave. Do you honestly mean to tell me you don't believe me or anyone else here who said they stop at all stop signs? Why would we lie about that? Oh yeah, I鈥檓 going to lie about obeying traffic rules so people will think I鈥檓 cool.

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I don't know what to tell you. It takes a special kind of delusion to know nothing about someone, claim they must do something simply because you've gotten it into your head that ';everybody does';, and to top it off, call them a liar when they tell you they don't.

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Why not just take down the sign entirely? That would keep people from breaking the law. Just get rid of the law. There you go. No more laws mean no more people breaking the law.

Of course, it would mean the end of all society as we know it. What am I saying? I would mean the end of all society.

Getting rid of a law just because a lot of people are breaking it is not a good idea. You need to show that the law is not needed in the first place. Stop signs are needed. Most people believe that a yield sign means nothing.'re serious? Come on, you're being sarcastic, right? Well, assuming you mean it...

True...assuming you'd like the frequency of car crashes to skyrocket. That is a truly @$$-backward solution. Stop signs are used for a reason. Because where they're placed, you need to stop, and check for traffic coming from other directions before proceeding. As opposed to yielding to the traffic you can see for a considerable distance, as you merge onto a road.

By the by, I do stop at every stop sign I come across, and am absolutely not lying about that. Regardless of how sparse traffic on a road is, all it takes is for one car to be travelling on it, at the wrong place, and the wrong time, as you fly through that stop sign, and bam. You injure (or kill, depending on the circumstances) yourself, and the person(s) in the other car. I won't risk that, to save the fraction of a minute it takes to stop.
Ok, jackazz, listen and listen good. I stop at all stop signs. Completely. Go ahead and put someone on me to watch and report back to you. Furtherore, if you are idiotic enough to think that we wouldn't all be dead by the end of the day if we changed stop signs to yield signs, then you are a bigger idiot than we all think, which is pretty unlikely because I think you are the world's biggest idiot already.
I do stop at all stop signs, whether you believe me or not. As far as yield signs go, I see people violate those even more than stop signs!
FALSE people need to stop. this will not work for 4 way intersections, etc..
I know where you are coming from. Especially if you live in a smaller town-- the cops have nothing better to do than give tickets for ';rolling'; through a stop sign.

Obviously though we cannot eliminate stop signs. That would create chaos on the streets.

The police just need to not ticket almost 200 dollars for such an insignificant infraction.
False. With the same logic, all speedometers should be removed to prevent speeding and the subsequent influence on the juniors of the world. Then how about all seat belts removed so no violations will occur.

How about parents setting a good example for Junior and doing what is right and discussing what the consequences are when a traffic law is disobeyed
lol...there is a stop sign near my house.....10 yrs ago it was changed from a yield.....i still yield not stop....i say why stop if no one is r right..
False. People just ignore yield signs. That would be a bad idea.

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