Wednesday, February 3, 2010

True or false Government efficiency could be obtained through a cut in taxes?

My opinion is that this is false. Politicians will always get their pork barrel spending in making government less efficient.True or false Government efficiency could be obtained through a cut in taxes?
False. The explanation would fill a library.True or false Government efficiency could be obtained through a cut in taxes?
Cutting taxes increases government revenue but building the economy which leads to increased spending. Even Berry said it himself. BO said when talking about capital gains tax that he knows that lowering the tax will increase government revenue but he wants ti increase it because he thinks thats fair.

BO spent over 1 million dollars a day in pork barrel spending when he was a senator. He has been funded by terrorists and wants to weaken the American people such that he will have more power and control over everyone. Barack Obama is the worst person on all sorts of issues especially spending. BO will increase spending and break the backs of everyone because he has is nothing but an ugly, puppet. George Soros and dozens of other horrible people control little Berry.

The government will never do whats right as long as people like Obama, Frank, Biden, Pelosi and the like are in power.
True 100%, but you have to eliminate sweatheart deals in Washington.

Two of the big reasons taxes are so high are Military overspending and Pork barrel deals to get bills put through. (anything over 20% income tax and 5 percent sales tax means the government is up to something dirty with your tax dollars)
That alone won't do it but tax cuts along with spending cuts will lead to greater efficiency. If the government were forced to live like the rest of us and make do with less in these hard times they might learn to be more efficient like many of us have been forced to be.
Yes if they cut all those entitlements to certain people, we could save billions each month!! If you think our up and coming pres will do that,,,think again!! We will be paying for entitlements for the next 200 years, some people are just lazy, and the govt doesn't give one dam about it!!!!! As long as they feather their pockets with our money%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Government efficiency cannot be achieved without denying the government its means of income and undo influence-Jesus, wake up America.
Government efficiency could be obtained by a cut in government!
Bush and the republicans tried it,,, did it work??
It hasn't worked yet, and never will unless we limit borrowing.

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