Wednesday, February 3, 2010

True or False? If you start and end a car ride at zero velocity, your average acceleration for the trip must b?

i am having a trouble answering this question, can anyone help?True or False? If you start and end a car ride at zero velocity, your average acceleration for the trip must b?
True, assuming uniform acceleration to top speed and the same uniform acceleration to come to a stop, then the average acceleration is zero.

Let's say the car ccleerates to some speed at 2.0m/s^2 and then begins to accelerate to rest at -2.0m/s^2. Each interval over the same period of time, then:

a(av) = 2.0m/s^2 + (-2.0m/s^2) / 2

= 0

If the time intervals are not the same or acceleration is not the same, then false.

Hope this helps.

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