Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or False: Is Obama trying to get rid of the constitution?

Opinion: do you think obama may have not won if he were white?True or False: Is Obama trying to get rid of the constitution?
The Constitution has been ';gotten rid of'; for quite some time.

No, it was because he's half black that he won.

Funny, he's half white too...True or False: Is Obama trying to get rid of the constitution?
I am in the middle for this true/false question. I think in his own mind, he is following his version of the Constitution. The problem is that he is trying to redefine the Constitution (with the help of legislating from the bench, etc). Truth of the matter is though, regardless of whether Obama is intentionally trying to get rid of the Constitution, it is gradually disappearing.

I think the election would have been significantly closer if he wasn't able to play the race card.
False. Obama is not trying to do away with the Constitution.

Second question: Hillary would have probably taken the nomination had Obama been white. His youth and inexperience would have gotten in his way since the media would have been uninterested in him. The networks were drooling all over themselves to stake their claim to the ';historic moment'; in time. The moment would not have been historic if Obama was white. The history-making would have shifted to Hillary.

Pretty much any Democrat would have won the general election this time regardless of the Republican candidate, so I would say no, Hillary would probably be president right now.

Even though I'm opposed to Obama's policies, I was old enough to watch and understand the riots back in the 1960s. I'm proud that our generation managed to advance things this far, to be able to elect a black president. This is a great country! (Not specifically because we elected a black president, but because we can right a wrong without overthrowing the government.)
True of False: Bush already destroyed the constitution when he tortured prisoners of war and passed the Patriot Act.

Dont even try and say Obama is trying to get rid of the constitution. He hasnt done anything against it. And yet you conservatives didnt seem to care as Bush actively tore up the constitution and spit it in our faces.

Edit: And the above comment by tyH is ridiculous. Apparently someone needs to go back and read the Bill of Rights.
False. He is not trying to get rid of the Constitution at all. In fact, he has been heavily criticized by Republicans for going 'too far' in his application of Constitutional principles, for instance, trials for detainees at GITMO.

Opinion: Obama would have won if he was white. The Republican party was not winning that election with their dismal approval/disapproval ratings no matter who ran on the Democratic ticket
liberals, in general, have been adding or misquoting the constitution for years. The separation of church and state is a prime's not in the constitution.

Obama may not have won the election if he were white. Liberals and republicans need the WOW factor for the public which is driven by sensationalism. He is the first black president and this was a big deal. I don't understand why liberals want republicans to ignore the fact that he's black now. lol
Obama would not have won if he were white. A white guy out of nowhere with limited background in politics would not have made a scratch. But oh well 20% of the population voted for him so I guess those who concern themselves with what the federal government impose are stuck with him.

Is he trying to get rid of the constitution? Don't know and it really doesn't matter. The ink and parchment manifestation of ideas are only as important as the amount of life you are ready to lose to preserve them.

As for me I will be free...constitution or not.
The constitution is obsolete. Personal freedom is obsolete as well. Everyone should quit being so selfish and give up on the silly notions of personal freedom for the greater good of the nation. You should also give the government 90% of your salary so they can properly distribute it. Obama is absolutely doing the right thing leading us on this path.
You have to realize, this isn't 200 years ago. I don't think Obama is trying to get rid of the constitution, I just believe he is trying to make it more modern. A lot of you people are living in the past and are afraid of change, its like you guys can't handle it. Thank god none of you ';Obama bashers'; are engineers.
yes, he just did a very unconstitutional thing called taking over companies... Thats against the law... Read it urself, before you disagree with me you damn fools...

more government is also unconstitutional, just read the founding father's quotes and the constitution itself or the declaration of independence.
What constitution?

You guys got it all wrong, though. He didn't take over companies - the companies own him.
False. That's a rediculous thing to say. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean you have to say he hates america.

%26amp; yes he would have won because people were ready for a change. The conservative approach obviously wasn't working %26amp; they wanted to try for something new.
Obama was bought and paid for...the election was in the bag for him, and color wasn't an issue.

The fact that he was a pleasant face and a soothing voice worked well for the new world order....the black part was just an added bonus can see the tweaking happening as we type!

No. He wouldn't even have been nominated. A mega guilt trip got him in.


I think he would have won because he is a good person... right for the job. We needed someone who would help... not keep us in the crap hole we were in.
False......Bush was the one subverting the constitution!Who started the warrantless wire tapping?
John was such a limp that it is possible. When Obama gets done with the Constitution he will like it better. Ann Colter for Prez

2.I think he would have won by even bigger margin if he and his family were white

Not commenting on your opinion.
False, Bush already beat him to it.
True and yes
false. that was easy
true have you ever heard of ACORN

nope he wouldn't of
looks like it
Oh of course he is. I'm sure no one would mind one bit. Is this moron night on Yahoo answers?

he just wants to change it.

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