Monday, February 8, 2010

True or False: It is unethical for a teacher to keep a $100 bill they find on the ground near their classroom?

Should they turn it in to lost and found or pocket it for themselves? I'm talking about a high school teacher on a campus with 4000 students.True or False: It is unethical for a teacher to keep a $100 bill they find on the ground near their classroom?
If the teachers are not honest and forthright I think we have a problem. Yes, the teacher should turn it in and so should a student if he/she were to find the money.True or False: It is unethical for a teacher to keep a $100 bill they find on the ground near their classroom?
Let's define unethical: not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior;

According to the definition, yes, it would be unethical for the teacher to keep the money.

I want to be comfortable in my own skin, so I try to avoid doing things that make me feel badly about myself.

There have been times that I have found cash and kept it and felt fine about it, but there have been other times when I have found cash and returned it and felt good about myself.

If the cash was INSIDE the classroom, then the teacher would know that it belonged to one of the students in that class, but if the money was on the dirt outside, then it greatly increases the number of people it could belong to. The money CLEARLY isn't his. YOU are in an interesting position here for having witnessed this. Does this teacher know that you saw him keep the money? Very interesting.

What will you do if a student asks you if you know about his/her lost $100?
I'd turn it in at the office. They would then ask students to come there to tell what they'd lost. They wouldn't tell what it was.
Yes, unethical.
true that would bee stealing

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