Wednesday, February 3, 2010

True or false: Senator McCain and his operatives are gambling that he can distract you with smears ?

....Question # 2: Do you believe that Republican smears will work to convince the independent voters to forget about how the Republicans have ruined our economy?

In short: Have the Republicans ruined or damaged our economy?True or false: Senator McCain and his operatives are gambling that he can distract you with smears ?
I can't believe the attacks on Obama and Democrats from Foxnews last night. Of course George Bush and the rest of GOPs are to blame. When Clinton was in Office everything was going smooth.

They even tried to blame Obama and Clinton for the housing crisis, can you believe that?

McCain knows it's only 4 weeks away and he's losing according to the polls.

Kool-aid drinkers?

I happen to Like Kool-aid. :)

Republicans are always trying to question someone's patriotism. They think all Americans should be greedy hateful hypocritical liars like them.

No the Smears won't work. Because by now most people have made up there mind. The people who haven't are the undecided voters, and they're well educated enough to know that these attacks on Obama are fear tactics.True or false: Senator McCain and his operatives are gambling that he can distract you with smears ?
True and no. Any voters who are still independent/undecided are so because they are waiting to see the issues. These are the voters that will be least likely to be influenced by desperate smear tactics- especially when they are some of the only voters still interested in policies. Most of us have already made up our minds.

And finally, the Republicans have certainly damaged the economy.

#2 No, because most people can read. The economy was ruined by the Democrats. It began back in the Clinton years and when Obama worked for Acorn. His job was to train people to intimidate the banks and lending institutions to lend unqualified people too much money at lower interest rates. The end result is these poor people bought their dream homes, only to have them taken away, their credit destroyed and some even took their lives. Obama further pushed this situation, as a US Senator when he served on the board to monitor Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Looking the other way, he allowed what has happened today, all the time lining his pockets with payback. McCain warned Congress of that our financial instiutions needed to be monitored several years before this fall occured.

The Democrats, not the Republicans, ruined our economy and have pushed us further towards Sociaslism, which is Obama's agenda for America..
If Americans would be truly involved in Politics they would discover a very important issue.

Fannie May and Freddie Mack were pressured by Bill Clinton thru Barney Frank to force them to provide loans to individuals who would not otherwise be approved to purchase a home by reason of Credit history or ability to repay the loans.

This was the beginning of the economic crash - Foreclosures killed these banking institutions.

The Democrats have been in charge of the purse strings for the last 2 years. They have done nothing but argue and investigate - not a single piece of legislation has been passed.

NAFTA is killing this Country - It should be revoked - eliminated. It was passed by Clinton and it created an environment for economic collapse. It allowed for American businesses to outsource jobs to foreign Countries. Illegal Aliens taking American labor jobs and their free medical yet our President refuses to close the borders.

Obama will not be good for America - McCain is not much better but is a less of the 2 evils.

An honest President would stand for closing the border, eliminate NAFTA. Alow for a real discussion on the Fair Tax Act. We have to stop thinking Democrat / Republican and as Americans vote 3rd party.
False. They are merely trying to make sure that the American people get a good profile of Barack Obama. Sarah Palin has been viciously vetted by the media (to the point of them making up all types of sordid stories). Unfortunately, that same media has neglected to do much digging into some very troublesome associations in Obama's past.

The Republicans have not ruined the economy. That's a terribly simplistic statement and false. Several factors have contributed to our current economic problem. One of the largest issues is the number of bad mortgages. This problem stems back to the 90s when the Dems really pushed for easing the rules for lending to increase minority home ownership. They also passed legislation against redlining which they believed discriminated against minorities. The goal to increase home ownership was admirable but it resulted in people getting loans that they weren't really able to afford. A certain amount of greed on the part of businesses played into this as well and all these new loan products emerged (zero down, interest only, etc). The loan recipients share some blame as well since they should have made sure they really understood what they were signing up for.

The Government Sponsored Enterprises Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae also were a key factor in the current problem. Apparently they have been run by inept people for many years and are a mess. Many politicians called for reform of these entities over the past several years (including the Bush administration and Senator McCain). The Dems really pushed back on increased oversight (particularly Barney Frank and Chris Dodd - - who along with Barack Obama - - have received lots of donations from Freddie and Fannie). Bush and McCain should have done more to raise the alarm. The Dems should have let the issue been investigated, debated, legislated. I guess they were too busy with those major league baseball steroid investigations and looking for ways to impeach Bush.

There are many other factors intertwined in all of this. When all is said in done, many entities share the blame: inept politicians, greedy businesses, irresponsible individuals who lived beyond their means, corrupt GSEs, etc. Let's avoid the simplistic ';the Republicans ruined the economy';. There's plenty of blame to go around. I certainly don't blame the tax cuts - they've been a blessing to our economy and to a large number of American families.

It's worked in the past for the Republicans and McCain and Palin are counting on it to work again.

But Amerca had better wake up. The last time America voted someone in because of the October swiftboating lies against an opponent, it cost us over $700 billion dollars.

And yes to your second question. The smears will appeal to the Joe Sixpacks of this country.
Ruined the economy, broke the law, held people imprisoned without charge or trial, sent people to secret prisons (black sites) to be tortured, missed every warning sign about 9/11, screwed up the disaster response to Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Ike, ignored global warming, violated treaties with other countries, invaded/conquered/occupy a country that didn't attack us...
McCain is just bringing important things to light....we do not want somebody who socializes with terrorists running our country. If we do, we have gotten so off track with this country, it is not funny.

Do your homework. It is because Democrats wanted all the sub prime loans (Acorn..hello!). This has to do with the housing/mortgage crisis which started with the Clinton housing bubble (he passed the deregulation act). We are cleaning up CLINTON'S mess.

Now, because of the DEMOCRATS again...passing this socialist bill. People are anticipating the dollar falling because of printing money flooding the market so ';rich'; people are pulling there money out of USA banks and sending it overseas. Also, because they are afraid of what obama wants to do (tax rich) so they are pulling even more money out with anticipation of him getting in office.

Get a clue

First off, Obama's associations are fact. They need to be known.

Second, if you would do some research you would see that the housing fiasco is a product of the Clinton administration. Raines and Johnson were a part of his administration and have done work for the Obama campain.

False. The Democrats had control of both houses of congress for the last 2 years. They are just as responsible as the Republicans are.

The Democrats are cowards. They can't even stand up and admit that they screwed us over
No, with truth and unanswered questions.

Yes, but it will be truths and unanswered question that do that.


'Get US out of UN' has hit it on the nose!

2) It might sway some but not all. Most people don't really care because everyone is hurting so much right now. Losing their home, their job etc.

Republicans have ruined the economy
True. he has nothing left. Keating economics is nothing to brag about while the Dow is tanking.
False . . . False . . . And ... W R O N G ! ! !

Socialist / Communist / Liberal / Marxist Democrats do NOT want to understand ';personal responsibility'; ... It is easier to BLAME others !!!

Isn't expecting the Socialist / Communist / Liberal / Marxist Democrats to correct what they have done to America for the last 65+ YEARS the equivalent of adding gasoline to an unwanted fire ? ?

Democrats are TRYING to BLAME Republicans for the FAILURES of the Socialist / Communist / Liberal / Marxist Democrats of the last 65+ YEARS !!!

Democrats have to recognize that since the 73rd Congress in 1933


... Democratic Houses of Representatives and Democratic Senates have

... CONTROLLED the nation and the President.

A TOTAL of 38 Sessions

... with Democrats in CONTROL for 28 of those!

WE need to inform/TELL our political representatives that WE NEED TO PASS a Constitutional Amendment for the LINE ITEM VETO.

This will keep the SPECIAL INTEREST GARBAGE from being attached to valuable legislation.

If Congress wants to give the president that power, they will have to pass a constitutional amendment, Supreme Justice John Paul Stevens said. ';If there is to be a new procedure in which the president will play a different role in determining the text of what may become a law, such change must come not by legislation but through the amendment procedures set forth in Article V of the Constitution,'; Stevens said, on June 25th, 1998.

IF your special interest is SO valuable, why do you have to HIDE it in valuable legislation?

So, with them REFUSING to PASS the Line Item Veto, in reality, the House and Senate have REALLY been controlling the country!!

AND, with the CURRENT Senate and Congress having the WORST approval rating in HISTORY, hopefully we will see a LOT of changes after the general elections. A recent Reuters poll is out and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have pulled an upset: They have managed to make George Walker Bush twice as popular as CONGRESS.

RECENTLY - - JUST 8% of Likely Voters now say the DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED Congress is doing a good or excellent job.

Democrats generally believe in heavy fines for honest work, while rewarding sloth and indulgence.

Do YOU think that people should be able to do absolutely nothing productive and get government hand-outs for sloth and indulgence - healthcare, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, STDs, etc. ??

Do YOU want to have YOUR MONEY TAKEN from YOU and YOUR FAMILY to FINANCE these people ???


The MAIN, bad idea of Obama, that I believe ALL True Americans should research and READ is .. Obama's Global Poverty Act (S.2433) which will surrender America's sovereignty to the United Nations !!

I .. HAVE .. and .. WILL .. Vote for the BEST person for the job !!

JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the Best person to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


Why would WE want ANYONE that does not have ANY mangerial experience to TRY to be THE President of THE United States of America ???

Can YOU get over the FACT that JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama IS going to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations ???

ALL ... TRUE Americans need to READ the Global Poverty Act (S.2433) !!!



JUNIOR U.S. Senators TRY to Legislate !!!

JUNIOR U. S. Senator Obama did NOT complete his FIRST term in office !!

... with just 143 days of ACTUAL experience

... HE decided

... that he DESERVED to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


Probably not.

Yes they have damaged it.
True and yes.
As long as Taco Bell doesnt increase its prices I see no financial crisis
Falso, and Only Bush ruined our eco

I take no sides to this election..

except that Palin ... is a bit ignorant..
I've made my mind up to vote McCain back in April. I don't worry about gossip from the kool-aid drinkers.

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