Monday, February 8, 2010

True or false: there is a difference between beauty and sex appeal?

For instance, I would say (in all honesty) Angelina Jolie is not beautiful at all. But the woman is hella sexy with the way she talks, her voice, mimics and all. Adriana Lima is SOOO beautiful but she's not sexy.

Do you agree? (not for Angie and Adriana but my statement)

And if you do agree with me, which one attracts you more: sex appeal or beauty?True or false: there is a difference between beauty and sex appeal?
I thought the two was mutual. One without the other is not appealing.True or false: there is a difference between beauty and sex appeal?
OF COURSE there is a difference!

sex appeal

beauty appeal

i personally love beauty appeals.
You can be beautiful and not have any sex appeal. I think sex appeal is more powerful even though they are very similar. And Angelina Joile has a lot of sex appeal.
um. i'm not sure about the girls because that's more about opinion, it think they are both pretty. i like beauty more because if a girl has sex appeal she wont stay with you for long
I agree completely.

omg i totally agree. u just made my day with that statement! :] because i absolutly know where ur coming frommm!

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