Sunday, February 7, 2010

Are these statements true or false about a marriage?

It takes two people giving 100% of themselves to each other to make a marriage work?

It takes two people NOT giving 100% of themselves to each other to make a marriage fail?Are these statements true or false about a marriage?
Both true...Are these statements true or false about a marriage?
The second statement would be true. In marriage you don't give 100% you give 50%. If each person gives 50% then they equal 100%. Giving anymore will result in an unbalance and one partner will be giving more than the other. The most successful marriages are 50% give and 50% take. As a result, each person is left with 50% which he/she can devote to his/her self. In my opinion, a downfall begins in marriage when an individual doesn't know what to do with the remaining 50% that he allots to his self. If you choose to fill the time alotted to you with your spouse then you shouldn't expect anything during that time. Marriages fail when one person feels as if they are contributing more than the other.
Both are partially true. It takes a lot of work by both partners to make a marriage work, but sometimes one person is unable to give 100%, so the other partner makes up for them, and vice versa if the other partner is unable to give it all. Sometimes each of us needs a break, and we make up for that break when our partner needs one. It's a completely give and take relationship, but only if each person has a deep and unconditional love for each other, and themselves.
Both are false. Nobody can devote 100% of their energy to a spouse 100% of the time without losing themselves and having resentment build. Sometimes one will give 40% while the other is giving 90%. Sometimes they'll be in alignment. But.. nobody is capable of giving 100% of their energy to one person 100% of the time. What makes a successful marriage is when two people realize and accept this fact and work together in a concerted effort to keep moving forward. When they get stuck at one giving 90 and another giving 20 is where the problems come in.
Each person doing the best they can to be kind, considerate and loving toward their partner each and every day is what has to happen. Along with honest communication and understanding.

You have to take care of yourself or else you won't have anything to give to others.
I'd say they are both false. You have to say that you are mostly your spouses property, but sometimes you need a little bit for yourself. What's wrong with going to play golf every so often if your spouse would rather you stayed home and rubbed her feet or something?
I jump in with you young folks. Yes it takes 100% for each person to give to make a marriage work. Putting the other person first, Their spouse is their best friend. Always communicating.

False only takes 1 not giving to tear a marriage apart. Even if the other still gives 100% it isn't marriage it is slavery.
1 is true

2 is false

Some people are just so selfish that is doesn't matter how wonderful their spouse is.
I think false.

A person has to maintain their own identity. Giving 100% to your partner leaves nothing for yourself.
The first is true. But only if BOTH give a 100% , not just one. It has to be both or it want work.
Both are false.

100% is a variable based on an individual. For example my 100% maybe I have the energy to keep the whole house clean while working full time. Say my husbands is only capable of doing the dishes.

If I do all the chores expect what he is capable of I am giving 90% while he is giving 100%.
both are true. I got married at 19, hubby was 21 - its 13 1/2 years later and we are still together because we both give 100% of ourselves to each other!!
I say true for both of those statements.
true . true
Both true!!
I feel they are both true.

The second one is why mine failed, I gave it all %26amp; he didn't.

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