Monday, February 8, 2010

How many of you agree with this take on illegal Immigration true or false?

Illegal immigrants are taking work away from capable American citizens. There are illegal immigrant children that fill up our public school system as learning grinds to a halt. There are emergency rooms that are over crowded by sick people without insurance causing American citizens to wait for health care. There are uninsured and unlicensed drivers on our roads posing a huge safety risk and significant economic cost in the event of an accident. Social services in this country are abused by illegal aliens.Many many areas of our country, especially southern

California, are occupied by a population that speaks English as a second language or not at all.How many of you agree with this take on illegal Immigration true or false?
True, and many Americans are victims of crime due to illegal aliens.How many of you agree with this take on illegal Immigration true or false?
That about covers%26gt; Know what are you going to do about it%26gt;
Because what you've said is all true, I ask our government to give me a 1 word answer to this question:

WHO's Country is it, Anyway???
Executive Summary: The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants to the U.S. Taxpayer****** this article lets you know the across the board cost of supporting uneducated illegal immigrants. in a nutshell despite what pro illegals say they take more from the system then they put in. both the abridged and unabridged links are attached. the unabridged states historically immigrants have been better educated. the the more recent immigrations are primarily uneducated making them a financial burden rather then a financial benefit to U.S. society.
I agree with you 100%.
You got it right, buddy!! Be careful though 'cause now all the ';enlightened ones'; will descend to label you as a vile rascist.

If you can't read my icon, it says ';This is America. Please Speak English.';
I agree with it, but that's far from a new take.

It is all true and there is no one who can SHOW any different.

To the poster above me, yes you are right, even if all the illegals were gone, these issues would still exist.

But, if they were all gone, we would have 12-20 million less people doing it at least.
yup,that sounds about right.
All true and a big bunch of BS that it is still being allowed to happen.
Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
True. It's like actually fronting your own money to an assassin for a hit on yourself. Totally ripping America apart at the seams. The drivers on our roads is greatly concerning. Americans waiting for or not getting the health care they need because they are paying for illegals..on and on. I agree.
Very true. This being said, I think a fence along the border is the most pointless idea ever. What do we do? Shipping them all back would cost taxpayers so much money!
FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VIVA MEXICO Y LA RAZA MEXICANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
racist claptrap, xenophobic paranoia mostly. There are some problems but you could take away every single immigrant and every single problem you list would still be there.

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