Monday, February 8, 2010

True or False: According to naturalists, our thoughts are nothing more than the movement of atoms in our brain?

This is what my sister has been told. Is it true?True or False: According to naturalists, our thoughts are nothing more than the movement of atoms in our brain?
I don't kow what a naturalist is, but our thoughts are nothing more than patterns of (largely) chemical and (to alesser extent) electrical signals between neurons, and electrical signals down the lengths of neurons. Thus our thoughts are the movement of molecules, ions, and electrons. Aren't we special?True or False: According to naturalists, our thoughts are nothing more than the movement of atoms in our brain?
People are speaking analytically when they describe the motions of atoms in the brain, however, the whole is vastly greater than the sum of its parts when describing emergent qualities of brain function. The entire universe can be described as being nothing more than the movement of atoms, and, at that level of description, it is true, but, to more completely, and perhaps more honestly, describe processes of nature, emergent forms of existence which formally and functionally transcend atomic activity must be included in the description.
well not really no, the electrical signals or electrons that are fired on the membranes of the brain are kind of like the software. but they are useless without the physical brain.

i would say, thoughts are electrical signals fired on the membranes of the brain by sodium-potassium pumps in a coded/pattern in such a way that the brain can then interpret them once they reach their destination.

or something like that, ask a brain surgeon. then again, i'm not a naturalist, this is just what i heard in brain documentary's.
False I would say.

I certainly dont think so. That may be a very over simplified 'reductionist' view. I presuppose every thing has a natural basis, but that isn't the whole of what they are. Sound dont exist without air pressure, there is no sound atom. There are no water atoms, but there is still water and it is still the product of atoms.

Of course I really have no idea as to the complete form of thoughts, and suppose that probably no one else on earth does either. I would say that according to naturalist they PRESUPPOSE natural origins and a material foundation (albeit exotic material). Which is of course the better position to take.

No atoms = no thoughts.

No atoms = no yahoo answers.

No atoms = no you and me.

No atoms = no configuration of atoms

But what do I know, I am just a forklift driver.

How you doing Zero? still keeping up the good fight i see.
I don't think that ';naturalists'; believe as you claim your sister has been told. One answer that you have received is 'the movement of neurons.'; Probably closer to what is going on. So what. It has to be some process. If it is electrons, neurons, photons or Algonquians, is doesn't make any real difference except to scientists and doctors. To the rest of us, stuff happens.
True (at least they think that) If the universe of atoms and engergy is the box, naturalists cannot think out of the box to have people being Imageo Deo, made in the image of God, being both of the universe and of the spirit (out of the box)
It's a stupid simplification. First of all electrical impulses are propagated along pathways of interconnected neurons. There are small gaps between individual neurons and the signals are carried across these by chemicals called neurotransmitters. No one disputes this.

This does not explain how memories are built and stored or how they are accessed for the future. It does not explain how we learn - which is a process called cognitive psychology. We build internal models using abstractions and symbols so we can understand the world around us and make sense of it. No one can tell you yet how this works physically or chemically.

Now comes another part. If you are a religious or spiritual person, then you probably believe that we have souls. If it is true, then it is different than our ';thoughts';.

The general idea that we are just the product of a collection of your electrical impulses - seems to me to be very silly. Are we just some weird sophisticated computers, dressed up in physical bodies?
I thought naturalist was another word for nudist. Srsly, their opinion of the brain's function is not better than that of people who wear clothes.

Edit--oops, sorry, I was thinking naturist. Naturalists are as likely to wear clothes as anyone.

Carry on.
No, they're the emergent patterns that arise from the interaction of neurons, not the movement of the individual neurons themselves. It's like the difference between a set of pixels viewed one at a time and a picture on a computer screen.
That is absolutely true. Keep in mind, those are very complicated movements.

I prefer to look at brain activity on a neurochemical level. I don't think we are quite sophisticated enough to meaningfully understand neurology on an atomic level yet.
I don't know what a naturalist is...but technically I don't think an electrical impulse is an atom moving. I thought it was basically just involving electrons and protons...not the whole atom. I could be wrong though...not an expert on electricity.
I have no definite answers to a question like you are asking.

However, many people insist that the total is greater than the sum of all the parts. Not enough is really known about atoms in general.
Thoughts are electrical impulses along neurons (nerve cells) that trigger the release of chemicals (molecules known as neuro-transmitters) across synapses (the gaps between nerve cells).
You are referring to a school of thought that is properly referred to as ';philosophical naturalism.';
Computer says noooo



1. a person who studies or is an expert in natural history, esp. a zoologist or botanist.

2. an adherent of naturalism in literature or art.
Actually, everything (except atoms) is the product of the movement of atoms...
I thought they were chemical changes. I read a study a long time ago where rats were fed the brains of other rats and began exhibiting the behaviors of the rats' brains that they consumed. Bizarre!
According to neuro scientists,There's a lot more to it than that(that's why it's neuro science) but yeah basically.
there are a lot more neuroscience behind one simplest thought, but yeah, you can say it is the result of Electrical Impulses.
Some, but not all do say so. Although if they really believed it one wonders why they would bother talking about it. Can one chemical reaction really learn from another?

There is electricity involved...

more specifically, Ca+ ions.... and difference in potentials that allow the impulses...
Yep, the electric impulses of neurons. Which makes it even more amazing that we can think such deep thoughts...
yes, everything(except spirits)move by atoms is science
Electrical impulses in neurons.
so if one of those atoms became a bomb because of the split personality of the person it would blow their mind
Electrical signals.
Electrons, actually. The entire atom doesn't move.
Fact is, nobody really knows what thoughts are.
Pretty much

Go read up on neurology
I don't think anybody really understands consciousness. Do you?
No, a hamster on a treadmill.
  • good myspace
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