Monday, February 8, 2010

True or False: If all the workers sending remittances home to Mexico are citizens of Mexico and the remittance

True or False: If all the workers sending remittances home to Mexico are citizens of Mexico and the remittances come only from workers' current income, then their contribution to Mexico's GNP will in principle be greater than the remittances.


FalseTrue or False: If all the workers sending remittances home to Mexico are citizens of Mexico and the remittance
True - their contribution to Mexico's GNP will be higher because they consume something (goods and services) at country where they send these remittances from.

So remittances are not only income they send (but all their income is counted as Mexico's GNP).True or False: If all the workers sending remittances home to Mexico are citizens of Mexico and the remittance

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