Wednesday, February 3, 2010

True or false: Black women are less likely to be abused when dating out their race?

Halle Berry dated black and almost got killed, so did Rhianna. Tina Turner didn't find happiness until she got with a white man.True or false: Black women are less likely to be abused when dating out their race?
True. White men know how to treat women.

Taylor cannot be trusted. She was raised in the ';hood';.True or false: Black women are less likely to be abused when dating out their race?
No. If you find a man that won't abuse you then good for you. I just think a lot of women don't know what things to look out for (like verbal abuse, a quick temper or any abuse in past relationships) or they just make up a lot of excuses.
Juanita Jordan is ok. So is Vanessa Bryant. Heidi Klum, Pauletta Pearson (that's Denzel's wife), Jada Pinkett-Smith, Latanya Richardson (Samuel Jackson's wife)...let's see...that makes it Keisha - 3, Anakin - 6. I win.
According to recent statistics, Caucasians have a higher reported domestics violence rate than African Americans. You can see for yourself here…
And what's your point? You must think that White men are perfect and have no flaws. Guess what and I hate to bust your bubble but all Men are not perfect and have flaws, so no one is better than the other.
No...I was in an abusive relationship with a Mexican man not too long ago...

3 Black Women doesn't equal the whole black woman population.
You're an idiot.

So is the person who thinks Rhianna and Tina Turner are biracial.
Umm, Rhianna doesn't date a white guy. That's gross, that's like literally sleeping with a dog. Hair and all.
My most controlling BFs were Korean, Japanese, and Italian. All of them crossed the line and made me feel unsafe so I bailed.
those are 3 examples, out of how many relationships going on in the world? dont generalize. nobody REALLY knows what goes on behind closed doors.
I've never been abused by any black man.
Wasn't the T Shirt the ';Wife Beater'; named after rednecks who beat their wives.

HAHA Taylor got you!
Man. That is hilarious!!!!

The truth hurts!!!
your biased those women are Rich.

Gumby says Ike Turner was the man
don't forget prince!!!!!! lol

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