Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or false: The bureaucracy and system of law is set up, so that wealthier people can evade punishment?

So that wealthier people can acquire more privilege, and in some cases oppress those who cannot afford to defend themselves. True or false, this is not the way real democracy is supposed to work? True or false, we do not in fact have a complete democratic form of government in the United States?True or false: The bureaucracy and system of law is set up, so that wealthier people can evade punishment?
True. Money talks. Bullsh*t walks. Look at Madoff - he'll never see the inside of a jail.True or false: The bureaucracy and system of law is set up, so that wealthier people can evade punishment?
That is False, even though what you describe is unquestionably the result of the system and how it functions that it is not what it was intended to achieve when it was created. No system can be better than the people running it and in a society where financial achievement is the only standard of excellence the people with the money will inevitably end up in charge because they are in a position to offer what the majority of the people want, which is money of their own. That leads to corruption no matter how good a system may be on it's own merits.
Joy, we are not a democracy, we are a republic. The legal system can suck. I've been screwed by it (big time), and I've been helped by it. A favorite composer once said about the US ';We are a nation of laws, poorly written and selectively enforced.';

Clearly, you feel you have been unfairly treated, and that may well be true. It sucks. But having lost EVERYTHING in a civil legal matter, I can say that moving on is the best you can accomplish. It leads to happiness for you and living well is the best revenge.

My wife committed suicide at her sons house. My step-sons sued me for everything and won because my attorney was a fool. I lost my 100K plus job of 20 years, my house, my substantial savings. I started a business with the last $$ I had and was ripped off by a friend and buisness partner with a gambling problem. I hated life.

It took a little while, but I finally quit fighting it and let go. I have been with the most fantastic woman I have ever known. I started another business and it is doing well, even in this economy. I'm happier than I've ever been.

The kids are miserable wretches with crappy jobs, drug and alcohol problems, marriage issues, and more.

I choose to be me. I think I have, by far, the better end of the deal.

I hope you eventually see through the crap and wind up on a similar path as I am on. When you eventually let go of the crap and focus on what your passions are, the crap will fall away and peace will replace it. I'm not rich (yet), but I wouldn't trade what I have for anything.

Best wishes to you!
We're a democratic republic, not a democracy. But I'd say this has little to do with democracy one way or the other. People have the vote. If they're naive enough to vote Republican, well, they get what they asked for. I wish it weren't like that, but no one has come up with a better system: some people will always be fooled to vote against their own interest.
The legal system and government bureaucracies exist for their own ends, nothing else. Avoid the legal system, it is unjust and costs an incredible amount.

Trial lawyers are the #1 contributor to the democratic party.
Ture, True, and we don't have a democracy we are a Republic!
Unfortunately that is true.
true money talks BS walks
False, it's not set up to be that way but it is.

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