Monday, February 8, 2010

True or false: Doctors should be on salary like fireman and policeman, available for one and all, all the time

A doctor's decision should not be linked to their profits.

Cartoon example:

A patient overhears a doctors conversation in the waiting room.

The doctor says: ';Go ahead ';deary'; buy that fur coat, we will manage somehow';

A one cent gasoline tax should handle the cost easily.True or false: Doctors should be on salary like fireman and policeman, available for one and all, all the time
Doctors are avaialabe 24/7 at any hospital ER.

There is a shortage of physicians and nurses throughout the world.

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Physician compensation most often depends on the needs of a community and the required schedule, training, expertise, and experience required.

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U.S. Physician Salaries - Ongoing Salary Survey

*Survey includes base salaries, net income or hospital guarantees minus expenses

SPECIALTY Years 1-2 %26gt;3 Max

Allergy/ Immunology $158,000 $221,000 $487,000

Ambulatory $ 80,000 $112,000 $152,000

Anesthesiology: Pediatrics $ 283,000 $311,000 $378,000

Anesthesiology: General $207,000 $275,000 $448,000

Anesthesiology: Pain Management $315,000 $370,000 $651,000

Cardiology: Invasive $258,000 $395,000 $647,000

Cardiology: Interventional $290,000 $468,000 $811,000

Cardiology: Noninvasive $268,000 $403,000 $599,000

Critical Care $187,000 $215,000 $320,000

Dermatology $ 195,000 $308,000 $452,000

Emergency Medicine $192,000 $216,000 $295,000

Endocrinology $171,000 $187,000 $260,000

FP (with OB) $182,000 $204,000 $241,000

FP (w/o OB) $161,000 $135,000 $239,000

FP - Sports Medicine $ 152,000 $208,000 $363,000

FP - Urgent Care $ 128,000 $198,000 $299,000

Gastroenterology $265,000 $349,000 $590,000

Hematology/Oncology $181,348 $245,000 $685,000

Infectious Disease $154,000 $178,000 $271,000

Internal Medicine $154,000 $176,000 $238,000

IM (Hospitalist) $161,000 $172,000 $245,000

Medicine/Pediatrics $139,000 $168,000 $271,000

Medical Oncology $198,000

$257,000 $455,000

Neonatal Medicine $286,000 $310,000 $381,000

Nephrology $191,000 $269,000 $447,000

Neurology $180,000 $228,000 $345,000

Obstetrics/Gynecology $211,000 $261,000 $417,000

Gynecology $159,000 $213,000 $358,000

Maternal/Fetal Medicine $286,000 $322,000 $610,000

Occupational Medicine $139,000 $185,000 $290,000

Ophthalmology $138,000 $314,000 $511,000

Ophthalmology Retina $280,000 $469,000 $716,000

Orthopedic Surgery $256,000 $342,000 $670,000

ORS - Foot %26amp; Ankle $228,000 $392,000 $791,000

ORS - Hand %26amp; Upper Extremities $288,000 $459,000 $770,000

ORS - Hip %26amp; Joint Replacement $330,000 $491,000 $715,000

ORS - Spine Surgery $398,000 $670,000 $1,352,000

ORS - Sports Medicine $266,000 $479,000 $762,000

Otorhinolaryngology $194,000 $311,000 $516,000

Pathology $169,000 $321,000 $610,000

Pediatrics $135,000 $175,000 $271,000

Pediatrics - Cardiology $145,000 $282,000 $607,000

Pediatrics - Critical Care $196,000 $259,000 $398,000

Pediatrics - Hematology/Oncology $182,000 $217,000 $251,000

Pediatrics - Neurology $175,000 $189,000 $362,000

Physiatry $169,000 $244,000 $313,000

Podiatry $128,000 $168,000 $292,000

Psychiatry $149,000 $169,000 $238,000

Psychiatry - Child and Adolescent $158,000 $189,000 $265,000

Pulmonary Medicine + Critical Care $215,000 $288,000 $417,000

Radiation Oncology $241,000 $385,000 $787,000

Radiology $201,000 $354,000 $911,000

Rheumatology $179,000 $229,000 $378,000

Surgery - General $226,000 $291,000 $520,000

Surgery - Cardiovascular $336,000 $515,000 $811,000

Surgery - Neurological $354,000 $541,000 $936,000

Surgery - Plastic $237,000 $412,000 $820,000

Surgery - Vascular $270,000 $329,000 $525,000

Urology $261,000 $358,000 $619,000True or false: Doctors should be on salary like fireman and policeman, available for one and all, all the time
False, only doctors that work directly for a hospital should be subjected to a salary. Suggesting otherwise is like suggesting that a lawyer only earn $20 per hour.
Doctors should be doctors because they want to help their fellow man.. not because they want to be overprivilaged pretentious mini-gods.
A bizarrely expressed question, but the underlying thought is a good one. In the UK all treatment is on the National Health Service, and is free, paid for by taxes. This is the only civilised way to provide health care. The American system is rubbish.
not true. doctors go to med school, which is up to about 40Gs a year for 4 years after college for 4 years... conceivably owing over a quarter of a million dollars upon finishing school.... they must be compensated more than firemen and policemen.
Please don't tar all us docs with the same brush. Indeed, avarice is present among members of our profession. But remember, most of us make money only after long years of study and preparation, and then considerable effort. Secondly, if you looked at the overhead required to run a practice, you would be more understanding of the fee you are charged.

How would you feel if your employer said he was paying you thirty cents on the dollar? That's what Medicaid is doing for us. That falls far short of overhead expenses. My overall collection rate was 87%. It's never easy to turn patients away for non-payment, but see how far in life you get paying 87% of your salaries, rent, mortgage, phone bill or utilities.

Now to your original premise. Many doctors are chosing to work on an hourly salary. This includes many docs working in emergency departments and urgent care centers as well as hospitalists. Administration and overhead are the responsibility of the hospital or clinic, but basically, the services provided by the doctor ( nurses, aides and techs, too) pays the bills. And if you don't pay, you get dunned, BIG TIME by those humanitarian lawyers and administrators at the top of that food chain.

I work for an MD, he is salary. Most MD's do not make their money in the office. It is made when they take call for a hospital or hospitals. If they work for a large health organization pay will vary and how many patients they HAVE to see are dictated to them.

It just depends on what area you live in. The policeman in my area are the lowest paid in the state.

Life is not fair and it won't get any better.

I just pay the bill, pray and go on.
I have asked this exact same question several times. I think they should. Why should they be considered better that those you listed plus special EMT personal and nurses.

I believe anyone that performs a necessary service to the public should all be compensated in the same way. Certainly not on the same levels but definitely in the same way.
That only works in countries where they have government-run socialized medicine. In the U.S., doctors are not civil servants or on the government payroll like firemen and policemen.
Lots of doctors are already on salary, and most doctors' decisions are based on what the insurance and HMOs will pay, not on their bottom line, because most people can't afford to pay the fees otherwise.

Yes, I do think that doctors earn every dime they receive, and they are well worth it.

What would happen if you paid them rock bottom salaries? The same thing that has happened with our teachers. We pay them less than we pay almost everyone else- and as a result, people go into education for one of two reasons: they really believe in what they are doing and love their students, or they can't get work elsewhere and any low-paying job will do.
How much work would you do if you had a pay cut by half? I will bet it is much less. If you want to save money on a hospital stay go to Thailand, India or Mexico.
False. each one should be rewarded on the complexibility and type of work they do. if they all get the same level salary, the world wouldn't care to join either and every thing wil become a turmoil.

the journey to becoming a doctor isn't easy. four to ten years of serious studying (no parties until vacation), with less sleep and too much caffeine... and the torture doesn't stop there..

once you're a doctor, you're on duty for the rest of your life. example: in emergency cases, they always look for a dcotor, right? doctors can't say ';wait, I'm on vacation!'; or ';sorry, I'm off duty'; or ';no, I called in sick.'; the society expects more from you when you're a doctor...

since the majority of the time they are only treating symptoms and not the actual disease or causes of pain


because a lot of their time is spent on the golf course telling stupid jokes.


because they like to think they are helping others, when in fact they only want to join the ';Billionaires for Bush'; society
What in the hell are you rambling on about? No doctors shouldn't be on a salary this is a free market. Its called capitalism.
No, then they would kill us left and right like the crooked police officiers do. The doctors go to many more years of medical school and have to learn so much more......thats like saying dont look at someone's degree, just take them on their word......would suck for all those people that spent many years in college just for the uneducated to get that highly qualified job

What the traffic will bear.

Cream floats.

Who are you to deny a doc from charging what he[she] is worth ? If too much, no customers.

Med schools are expensive. Government take over of those schools would lesson their efffectiveness.

Most Pre- med students are the cream of the crop. Theat cream will go inot a different direcection. Where they can make more money for less work.

Besides Libs wont have anyone to sue

I can not actually beleive that someone suggested that they should be able to control the motivation for being a doctor. Obviosly someone who has no idea of the stress involved in getting tinto med school. Try takeing 4 five unit science classes at a time that require about 4-6 hours of study outside of class for every hour inside.

Libs have no idea about reality
I have been a nurse for 15 years - and the majority of the time I have worked in teaching hospitals. I see the hell that med students and residents go through, not to mention the long hours and stress that physicians have. They deserve to paid well because they have sacrificed years of their life to their profession. College, med school, residency -- years upon years upon years of student loans, long hours, and crap pay. Most get out with hundreds of thousands in student loans to pay off.

If we start setting X salary arbitrarily to the pay of physicians we are going to lose the best and brightest who are motivated to work hard so that they can practice medicine and pay off all the debt they have incurred.

As for those who think all doctors are over priviledged and over paid - think again. If you broke it down to an hourly pay they'd be making squat.
If you do that the quality of doctors will drop. What insensitive is there to go to med school for 8 years, then intern somewhere working 80 hours a week?

The brightest that where going to be doctors to make a good living will switch fields and become engineers or lawyers. The IQ of people becoming doctors will drop off.
Most doctors r on salary. what patients pay does not all go to to the docs...the insurance companies make all the money!

doctors work around 80 hours/wk on an average and spend a lot of money/time and energy on their education so that they can treat their patients better but i dont think they get paid enough! did u know that a resident doctor earns only $8/hr and works more than 80 hrs/week....

doctors deserve much more salaries than what they get because they save a priceless thing called LIFE!

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