Monday, February 8, 2010

TRUE OR FALSE: It is immature to get angry at someone that is angry at you for an unknown reason?

Say someone was really angry at you and you know it. This person is furious and glares at you all the time. You know this person is angry at you but you don't know why?

Would it be immature to get mad at this person?TRUE OR FALSE: It is immature to get angry at someone that is angry at you for an unknown reason?
It would be immature to get mad, but understandable if you just didn't like them anymore.

Personally that would annoy me because it would be immature of them in the first place, especially if they couldn't come to me and talk about. Dint waste your time being mad though.TRUE OR FALSE: It is immature to get angry at someone that is angry at you for an unknown reason?
No it's not immature at all. It is human nature to want to know the reason someone is mad at you, either because you want to rectify a problem you may have caused, because it starts to make you paranoid, or because they have no right to be mad at you when you haven't done anything to them. Or it could be a mixture of all three. If nobody gives you a reason then it's probably pointless to keep being bothered about it if you're not going to find out the answer. As long as you make sure not to make anyone angry for no good reason, then you will know you haven't done anything wrong and just forget about it, so don't let someone else being an idiot put you in a bad mood.

Hope this helps!
It will be wise to ask that person why they angry at you? You never know, we hurt people sometimes without even knowing we did. Things we take for ';fun'; other dont. Until it is proven that the person is mad at you for no reason, you dont get angry too. Because two anger dont equal zero, it just equal more trouble.
LOL! dun u know ANGER is a sign of WEAK like the doggies? hahaha


Oh, did u know I BULLY the dirty corrupt and ROTTEN Singapore Government DOOGGIES all the times when I start my returning FIRE! hahahahah AFTER they started the FIRing on me FIRST! HAAHAH

I dun bully the pple who are weak I CHALLENGE MY GOVERNMENT DOG, if u can do, show me then, if not SHUT UP! hahahah DOGGIES!
True: If it was your Kid Sister.

If someone else is angry let them deal with that emotion you don't need to carry it.

Anger is an emotion like all others and needs to be accepted - How you deal with it - is right or wrong.
TRUE. It is immature to get angry at someone that is angry at you for an unknown reason. If the person is angry at you and you don't know why, just ASK! Then you will know the reason. Simple.
False, it is not immature, only natural. i would be angry too. but after awhile i would just forget about it and move on with my life. dont waste your time with people who are mad at you.
Not immature, only natural.

Maybe try finding out why their mad?

If they won't talk to you, don't let it bother you. That's their problem.
That's the POWER Of NUMBER 2's FORCES, like the LORD VADAR plus the JEDI KNIGHTS! hahahah
Yes. Either ignore it, or confront the person. Don't retaliate with your own anger.
Not at all just wait till he or she is not looking and hit them with a peace of 4x4.
i will not burn my energy in anger just becoz somebody else is foolishly doing it for me.

Why don't you find out what you did to the guy instead of getting mad?
no it wouldnt
well...should you be angry with this someone...let this one glare...staring will not kill you....this someone just wanted your just smile a lot....
lol, nope
as long as you dont fly off the handle!!
no but i would really want to know why

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