Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or false, the Economy is worse now under Obama than it ever was under Bush?


LOL some messiah you punks have elected, and it WILL get worse!True or false, the Economy is worse now under Obama than it ever was under Bush?
True. There are already more unemployed Americans under Obama than there ever were under Bush. To the Obamabots who scream we should give Lord Obama time, I laugh at that because I remember how you same liberals were demonizing Bush form the moment he won the 2000 election. I ask you liberals, how does your own medicine taste when you have to swallow a load of it?True or false, the Economy is worse now under Obama than it ever was under Bush?
The economy is a moving iceberg and not easy to change direction.

Are you the same idiot that started complaining at 12:30 on inauguration day?

Yes ,it is worse and will get worse still until the new plans can get into effect. Contrary to uninformed belief the president does not run the economy, only devises plans that should allow things to get better.

This double edged sword you're swinging means that if Obama has not fixed the economy in a week then Bush ruined it on purpose.
The economy is worse now than a week ago, that's just the nature of the beast. If you really look at the Obama policies they are not going to be so very different from Bush. Still going to see the same kinds of wars, many of the same kinds of spending, we are just going to hear him talking about it more. Bush just shut down talking with anyone, Obama is going to talk with people first and then come to most of the same conclusions. Reproductive issues aside, I think he will be a president that more people in the USA will be comfortable with, but we live in a decaying society. We have come off our highs and borrowed from our future. It just couldn't last forever, now it is time to start paying the price.
...I'm astounded. I'm absolutely in shock. I'm sure you're the same person who blamed everything on Clinton during Bush's 8 years in office, now the blame goes to Obama. Yeah, the economy is worse. Is that the result of the president that's been in office for a week, or is it the fault of a former president who was in for the previous 8 years? I wonder...

Edit: no, your question is not ';is the economy better this week or last week,'; stop acting like it is. Your question is who is responsible for a worsened economy that we've seen a huge fallout in for this week. That's what we're all responding to. If that wasn't your question, you wouldn't have talked about Obama at all.
Obama has been in office for one week you idiot! When people talk about the ';government being worse'; under a certain administration they are generally referring to how that administration got the government into that mess. Obama has inherited the current situation....he didn't create it. Unless you can somehow justify your opinion????
Obama has been in office a week, so any economic issues are remaining from the previous Bush presidency, not from any action Obama could have possibly taken yet.

In fact, on his first full day in office, Obama has already put a cap on the salary of the top officials in the White House and as long as he's president, their salary can't go up any higher. So far that's more than Bush has done to fix anything.
It is impossible to tell.

First Obama has been president for only one week.

Second statistics are reported one month to one quarter in arrears so we wont know for a months or so

Third Job losses today are a carry over from the end of the year.

A reasonable assessment of President Obama's influence on the economy will take 3 to 6 months to eve begin to figure out.
It will get MUCH worse.

Obama has the presses running 24/7 printing up ';stimulus'; money (aka: ObamaBucks).

Dumping currency into the country without something of value to back it up (gold?) only lessens the value of the currency... it's called INFLATION.

The quicker we get rid of this idiot, the better the US will be.

Every move he makes shows he has no experience.

What's next, talking with the terrorists?
He has only been in office for a week.

Your right it is going to get worse...

cuz everyone knew it was going to get worse because of the decisions the Bush Admin made..I mean they have been in charge for how many years now..

Now its up to Obama to clean the mess up and im sorry but thats not going to happen over night..Lets have this convo in a year or two..economics are a lot more involved than I think you even realize..
Technically it's true. It took Republicans 8 years to create this mess. Did you think Obama's inauguration would somehow magically turn the economy around in a matter of hours?

Honestly - if you're going to have an opinion at least have an informed one.
Lets see now, our economy has been running largely on credit for the past 20 years. Our balance of payments have been horrible for longer than that, we've been borrowing money from China to pay for our wars, and you want to reverse that it one week? C'mon get real.
Obviously, smart guy...'s kind of hard to change the economy in the week that he's been in office, and yes it will continue to get worse as time goes on. I don't expect it to start turning around until around summer of 2010.

What's your problem. Obama has been in office for a week. The economy was terrible under bush. Give Obama a chance. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean that you can say that everything is getting worse.
Yes, of course it's true, Obama's been president for only a few days. Bush's recession will continue to cascade for some months yet, everyone knows that. Whereas Obama's stimulus hasn't even been enacted yet.
Well of course it's worse. Bush left the economy shattered. But to say it's Obama's fault for it being worse is a fallacy only because he's only been in office for a grand total of one week.
Do you really think the economy fell to pieces in the last week? or do you think it was a downward spiral from before that (you know, when Bush was in office) Now Obama has to fix it...
True, due to the Bush economic policies Obama needs to attempt to fix the problem and return to responsible financial oversight.
Well, seems like in a week it hasn't changed much.

Good thing Boehner and Cantor want to give themselves, excuse me, Americans, tax cuts. Especially the ones without jobs!

wait wait....Im not done HOLDING my SIDES!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, you dont even understand wats going on do you?
You really cant get a real answer to this with him just being in office a week give it more time and pray Obama makes the Economy better
False. So far its the same, because Republicans don't want to compromise with Democrats.

Come to think of it, it might be a trick question, since the economy is not judged on a week by week basis.
BUSH started it and it is messed up the Obama has to fix and will most likely get ridiculed for it
True. And mud still doesn't taste like prime rib and dogs can't fly yet. Do you have a point, or are you really just a troll?

Try waiting awhile. He's been in office of ONE week.

I am not saying I'm sure he's going to be a great president, but you should give him a chance.
dude its only been a week. give it another month , then rant. and hes not the messiah you numb skull. he already appeared over 2000 years ago -- my belief.
your doing a great job of displaying your lack of intellect for everyone to see with this absurd question.
AH, but the difference is Obama has a clue and a plan to deal with it.
TRUE, it's official.
OBAMA IS GONNA ROCK THIS NATION! We will see the change for the better! Bush killed us and our family and friends! 1st black president! OH man we got this now!
LOL This kind of question is exactly why I visit the ';Politics'; section. Thanks for the laugh.
He *said* it would get worse before it got better, and we understood that when we elected him.

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