Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or False, For a government to grant Rights it must first take away Freedoms?

please state whether you think the above statement is true or false, and if you would please state your political affiliation.

feel free to explain your answers as well. i am curious to see what the party lines think of this.True or False, For a government to grant Rights it must first take away Freedoms?
I'm conservative and it's absolutely true. Our Founding Fathers were wise enough to see that our rights and freedoms come from God (or Creator, if that's more palatable for the atheists out there).

If the state can give you something, it can also take it away.True or False, For a government to grant Rights it must first take away Freedoms?
False, because the government's function is to protect one person from harm by another. By granting rights, the government guarantees that one person will not take away the basic rights of another. By placing the law above all people, the government itself is subject to those laws, and cannot take away people's rights either.

Basically, it's a jungle out there. People die. The government comes in to carve out something good out of the jungle... and part of doing that that is promising people that the government will do its best to make sure people have certain basic rights, and implementing methods of enforcement.

But then again, in order to guarantee everyone the right to life... the freedom of murder must be taken away. So yeah, I guess it is true.
From your question the answer is true since/if the government is defining some rights it will always leave something out etc... and you get to where we are now. Besides human beings are weak minded and we happened to vote those people as a part of government....
If by freedoms you are referring to ';natural rights,'; then I do not believe in such. Might is right, and our ';rights'; are only limitations that the government self-imposes.

i am a registered democrate ;) (chaos)

simply put

to give someone something your taking away there freedom to choose not to have it
False, unless it is an amendment where they cannot remove amendments, they can only make new ones to avoid the older ones. Thats about as close as it gets.
Yes and no.

It depends on the issue and how the rights and freedoms overlap your own.
false . i an free to yell ';movie'; in a crowded firehouse

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