Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or false: Your religon and how often you go to church does not determine how good a President you will be

Why does it affect the number of votes you get?True or false: Your religon and how often you go to church does not determine how good a President you will be
False. The more often you go to church, the worse a president you would be!

Ah, the sad thing is, I'm only half-joking. I don't care what religion or how devout the president is. Provided he/she manages to keep his/her religion the hell out of his/her policies. But let's face it, how likely would one be to protect, say, gay marriage or abortion, if one truly believes it is wrong?

This is how it needs to be. You can believe whatever you want. But as a president, you are not christian, you are not muslim, you are not jewish, etc. Your presidency has no religion. Because your job is to protect the life, freedom, and equality of all of your people. If you allow your religion to influence your decisions as a president, you are a threat to the personal freedoms of every American citizen who does not follow that religion, and you do not belong in office.True or false: Your religon and how often you go to church does not determine how good a President you will be
True and false. I think if someone truly worships our Lord, and feels its important to be in church as often as he can, then it will determine how good a President he will be. He will learn to study God's word and apply it to his heart and will lean on God to make the tough calls for our country. On the other hand, if he only attends church for votes or to look good, not mentioning any past Presidents, then it doesn't really affect his life or choices, does it?
The last time I checked, there is suppose to be a separation between Church and State.

The two are mutually exclusive.

One can go to Church every Sunday and be a horrible President. Likewise, someone can be an Atheist, and be a great President.
Church %26amp; spirituallity go hand in hand When I go to Church I have a great week I am more focused, more forgiving %26amp; other things to think about besides the guy that just cut in fromt of me. So I think I spiritual Pres. is a good Pres.

as an addendum:

Your religon and how often you go to church does not determine whether you are a good person, either.

People often confuse ';faith'; with ';works';. Faith wothout works is dead.

although because of all the f'ing morons in this country it will determine if you get votes or not

but to determine if you'll be a good president, it has nothing to do with that.

im sure Bush goes to church every sunday and is a huge catholic, but that doesnt mean he's a good president. being a president has nothing to do with how often you go to church. you could go to church a lot and be a great president, or you could be an atheist and be a good president.

i personally could care less about what religion my president is in. all that matters is if he's a good man and is good enough to fill the position of president to represent us as a country well and to be able to handle all the crap a president has to handle
It doesn't, unless you are the mormon from the Republican side. He will have less votes because no one wants a mormon in the White House like that, it would ruin our foreign relations, and this man is a open bigot.
True. It affects the number of votes people get ,because many Evangelicals want to turn the U.S into a theocracy.
I think this is because people incorporate their own beliefs and personal lives into their decision, therefore also taking the President's personal lives in consideration.

For example, a neo-Nazi wouldn't vote for a Jew. Neo-Nazi does not like Jewish person's beliefs and personal life, it does not match their own. Narrow minded person votes for a different candidate. It's all prejudice.
I agree but the majority of people relate religion with morality and therefore view those who are not religious or of a different religion are in disagreance with there morals.
JImmy Carter is regularly slandered by the neoMcCarthyites as being the worst President, and he was a regular churchgoer. Of course, he was opposed to ramming it down the throats of the public.

It amazes me that we cannot see that the Islamic conservatives and our own Protestant conservatives are equally heinous. The only difference is that we have checks to keep our zealots from doing too much damage. If you look, all of the procedural changes that the GOP has brought into place are about circumventing those safeguards so they can force us to act like believers.
  • good myspace
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