Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or False: It is safe to stick your tongue into a light bulb socket that is plugged into the wall?

I'm not entirely certain what the question is trying to say, wouldn't it not be a complete circuit if the light bulb isn't in its socket and current would not be flowing? Or do you complete the circuit by licking the socket, especially since tongues are wet and great conductors? I'd assume that it's not safe, but I figured if the question was that simple, they wouldn't be asking it.True or False: It is safe to stick your tongue into a light bulb socket that is plugged into the wall?
It is not safe. You complete the circuit, just as if you were the light bulb. Don't try it at home. hahahaTrue or False: It is safe to stick your tongue into a light bulb socket that is plugged into the wall?
Is this a serious question? If your teacher asked this, then you should show your parents since they shouldn't even be joking about this. But you will complete the circuit; this is very dangerous.
It is always unsafe to put your tongue to a bulb socket.

You dont know weather the switch is n or off.

Safety is the first problem so dont think such dangerous things.
Ive never seen a light bulb socket PLUG into a wall, but if there was no power to the fixture it would be very safe
you'd jump back in extreme pain and possibly pass out or go into a state of shock!
of course its not safe, u will get electrocuted the moment u do that.

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