Wednesday, February 3, 2010

True or False: It takes two nutjobs to make a marriage work properly?

For example believing that you have to stick to the good ol vows till death and that you're supposed to be unnaturally happy all the time or there's something wrong.

Am I right?True or False: It takes two nutjobs to make a marriage work properly?
Hubby and I are sometimes considered nutjobs because we are still in love after 17 years together and 12 years of marriage. So in a nutshell, I will say yes.True or False: It takes two nutjobs to make a marriage work properly?
No hon... it takes two ADULTS...

Nothing is perfect and no one is perfect. Expecting perfection dooms marriage or any relationship really. I don't expect my man to be perfect and he doesn't expect it from me either. He is not responsible for my happiness and I am not responsible for his. We accept that fact. We must have something right because we have been married for over 30 years. Hope things are good for you!

If your not happy all the time, then obviously your relationship is not going to work. People have there issues that need to be worked out from time to time to make there marriage work but it can't be just one of you trying.Good luck to you in your decision making!!
IDK, I am laying in the bed with my nutjob and both of us are getting pretty drunk, at least I think I am getting drunk. I think I'll have one more and I am pretty sure I will get there. My nutjob says that he is naturally happy. Thank God for spell check so I don't have to think so much.
You are on a roll tonight with your marriage questions - why don't you just go ahead and ask the question you want to ask rather than all these little questions about marriage. lol....and yes, it does take two nutjobs to make a marriage work. :)
No, some people feel that is a normal, but that could just be me thinking that, your not a nut job if your happy after all those years, maybe the ones thinking that are the real nut jobs, ever think of that?

no, you are not right.

Marriage is also about sacrifice, you will sacrifice some things that make you happy just to make the love of your life happy. This should apply to both not only one person in the marriage.
in a healthy relationship you have to disagree sometimes....there is not such things as a perfect relationship. So far you could say one nut job and another person could have a relation i say false :)
False. Maybe true. Idk
I'm perfectly sane, so you must be right.
  • good myspace
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