Monday, February 8, 2010

True or False: To have negative views on marriage you must have gone though a divorce?

At least that's the assumption most broads make.

Am I right?True or False: To have negative views on marriage you must have gone though a divorce?
No. I have a really good friend Who is totally against the idea of marriage and he has never gone through a divorce. He is 40 and they are his views and i doubt very much they'll change. He has no issues being in a committed relationship, He just will never ever get the 'piece of paper'. His partner knows his opinions and even though she would have liked to get married she said she would rather never have that one day then live a lifetime without him.True or False: To have negative views on marriage you must have gone though a divorce?
No, I disagree with that. I've been through a divorce and don't have negative feelings about marriage - just the one I was in - but overall, if you're with the right person, I think marriage can be a good thing. I could be upbringing, it could be your own divorce or some people are just have commitment phobia - if someone is negative about marriage, it could be one of many reasons.
I would say that could be one reason and here are some others:

parents or close friends have gotten a divorce

doesn't know any couple that has a happy marriage

doesn't believe that you should be with just one person

may believe that marriage is just a piece of paper and doesn't signify committment

afraid to marry due to finances (like if you get a divorce you have to pay alimony)

may feel that marriage may take away freedom or significant person will have control over one person

50% of marriages end in divorce -its a fact that can bring a negative view alone

Just my point of view!
Not necessarily. A person could develop negative views on marriage due to their upbringing, i.e. if they grew up in an unhappy household. Just like guys who insist on calling women broads: They could have been raised in a household where men disrespecting women was considered normal, or they could just be morons. But then again, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you.
I say it's both true AND false.

You might feel that way if you've gone through a divorce, particularly a bad could feel that way because you grew up in a home that was abusive, unloving, with alcoholic parent(s)..........OR just from watching family and friends who have gone through problems or a divorce.
Not necessarily. You need not have gone through a divorce. The person's parents may have had a bitter divorce, the person's friends have divorced, or the person just hates to be stuck with one person forever.
False. I've never been married and I don't want to. I'm happy enough to spend my life with someone I love but I don't need some ridiculous fluffy white ceremony and a legal bit of paper to bind me. I hate weddings.
I would say most of the time this is the case, but also your upbringing and the experiences around you can lead you to negative views on marriage.
false, you can view marriage in a negative light just from being married without divorce, or you can view it that way just from watching others that are married...
No, men just think about the institution differently. Most women still see the romantic side. We know better.

Ok girls make with the down thumbs.
False, people can be happily married after going through divorce too.
That would do it. Or you could have been subjected to a bad marriage or divorce as a child.
No, it could very well be your upbringing too.

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