Monday, February 8, 2010

True or false: When a man marries, his freedom is halved, and his responsibilities are doubled?

Is this why each generation has fewer men seeking marriage?

Once he is divorced, his wallet is halved, and his home is gone.True or false: When a man marries, his freedom is halved, and his responsibilities are doubled?
It depends in which country you marry and divorce, about the family laws and court rulings in that country.

In feminist countries like USA, UK etc. in case of divorce more than the half of your assets might be gone and you are subject to pay alimony over many decades, not to talk about child-support.True or false: When a man marries, his freedom is halved, and his responsibilities are doubled?
I would argue that the woman's freedoms are halved as well, and her responsibilities undoubtedly increase. Unless you believe that women have no sex drives and live and breathe to do domestic chores and bear children, in which case they lose nothing and gain everything, and the man gets ';trapped';. But this isn't 1950, so I'm sure you wouldn't have that perception.

Both individuals give up freedoms they had in the past, but the whole point is that it's worth it for the person you're marrying - the mutual love and dedication outweighs the freedom to hook up with random people for fun or short-term fulfillment. The value of a stable home and family outweighs the benefits of having complete autonomy in your personal and financial decisions. If it doesn't sound like a fair trade, don't marry. It's not for everyone, and it's not for me just yet.

In each generation, both men and women are pushing off marriage to a later and later age, and more are foregoing it altogether. There's not as much pressure to identify yourself through a marriage, and there's an ever-increasing focus on and need for higher education, which delays the average marriage from early 20's to mid-late 20's. It is also true that pre-marital sex is more acceptable, so marriage is no longer a necessity for a physical relationship. I hope that this will result in better-matched couples, if they do decide to get married - both will be more likely to be older and more mature, with stable careers and minds unclouded by guilt or straight-up desire for sex. Let's not pretend that the sole existence of a marriage is indicative of a healthy or happy relationship.
True. But some men even lose more than half of their money during a divorce, along with the house, the cars, the kids, etc. Usually men are just given the past debts to have to pay off by themselves. Basically the woman gets a free-ride and the man gets sent to hell. Even if she was the one that wanted the divorce and when the husband had no history of ever being violent or abusive with her. It doesn't matter, the judge will 90% of the time screw the man over hard in court and give the woman a pass. It's a completely BS legal system that's completely sexists towards men.
Totally false. Statistically false even.

Married men have a far higher net worth than single men.

Married men also do far less housework than single men because their wives do it... even when they work outside the house just as much as the men.

There's your links down there. Whoever gives me a thumbs down is just denying facts. Not ';oh noes, feminism is evil and I have the biases to prove it'; facts, but REAL peer-reviewed facts.
If he chooses a feminist who believes in equality then yes. If he picks a traditional women who accepts him as the head of the household he wont have to explain himself when he wants to see his friends. Yes his responsibilities get more, the trick is getting a woman that makes it worthwhile.
False. * exvept the part about his wallet being halved in a divorce. esp in CA!

What's your definition of freedom? If it's man-whoring around and not taking care of your kids then that man better stay single..and use a condom.

I'd call freedom being able to come home and have my husband help me take care of the kid(s) and when the kids go to sleep to tango.

People don't seek marriage b/c men can get women to spread their legs w/o any commitment..some in less than a month..even though the ditz is a party doll w/a pulse. One night stands are popular too.
Absolutely true. But that is not a bad thing. I have gladly given up some of my freedom to be with my wife.

The divorce thing is wrong however.

Once divorced walllet is gone house is gone children are gone and debt is tripled. Because now he is an indentured servant to the ex.
If the guy thinks like that he's not mature enough to enter marriage which should be a union of love. Fewer people are getting married because it's not seen as a cool thing to do for young people, some people still believe it's like a ball and chain.
This statement is very true. Marriage is awful for men. I honestly believe on the naive and dim witted get married in the west in this day and age.
Maybe just more men need to do a better job of picking the right wife. Then he will not have them problems. Find the right match. That is what dating is for.

If you pick a whore, yes. If you pick a decent woman with morals, no. Find your gal in church/church function and not from a bar.
yes, true.

but most likely he is getting regular booty from his wife. this is the benefit. the big benefit.
Not if he has chosen wisely, then his happiness has tripled and his fortune is assured!
  • good myspace
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