Monday, February 8, 2010

True or false too much fructose is as damaging or more so to your health?

than glucose? Where will all this waffle end?True or false too much fructose is as damaging or more so to your health?
Anything with high volumes of refined sugar is bad for you.

Fruits %26amp; veggies have complex sugar, fiber, antioxidants, and are mostly water. They're fine to eat.

Taking refined sugar extracted from food, like say high fructose corn syrup, isn't the same thing as eating corn. One is healthy, the other is not.

Read the label, always, avoid anything with added sugar (including anything with added high fructose corn syrup).True or false too much fructose is as damaging or more so to your health?
Fructose turns into glucose when it enters your body, because your brian runs off of pure glucose (sugar in its simplist form) so bascially, they are both hand in hand.

too much anything is bad for you any way.
Fresh fruit is still mainly water, fructose added to foods is just the same as refined sugar.
yes its true
Well scientists and nutritionists say that fructose is more damaging when compared to glucose. Although too much of anything is not healthy when it comes to food, its the effects of too much fructose that makes it more dangerous...compared to glucose.Eating too much fructose causes uric acid levels to spike, which can block the ability of insulin to regulate how body cells use and store sugar and other nutrients for energy, leading to obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
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