Monday, February 8, 2010

What statement is true or false, Undeniable,unreliable information?

What is that one statement or comment that you are tired of hearing about or wonder where in the hell do they get their information regard people of the LGBT community? I mean beside the obvious one, ie: they are all molesters or were molested as children, can't have children, men wanting to be women and women wanting to be men, you're heard them. What one grates your nerves?What statement is true or false, Undeniable,unreliable information?
The one that just because I'm gay and some tough guy taunts me that I'm going to back down and cower in a corner. Ha! Fat chance. Last time I hit some guy he didn't get up until after the ambulance came.What statement is true or false, Undeniable,unreliable information?
Statistically, the vast majority of paedophiles are otherwise heterosexual. And based on my years on the gay scene it is very unusual to find a homosexual who had a good relationship with their father. Their father is in most cases absent, abusive, or is not as emotionally respected or identified with as the mother. Most paedophiles do learn their behaviour as a child from an adult male, usually someone who holds a position of respect to the victim, this can be anyone, school teachers, parents, doctors, and apparently lots of members of the clergy. Some paedophiles convince themselves that because the child they are molesting is male then they are just gay and so they feel comfortable socialising in the gay community, and are able to convince themselves that they just ';like them young'; Sick but true.
The one where everyone thinks that you have to be either exclusively straight or gay, otherwise you're a whore or a man-slut.

Even people within the community keep saying that. I keep getting so much blowback about being bi. People think i get ';sticked'; all the time and that i'm always sleeping with random men and have deseases or whatnot. Or that I'll never be happy with just one sex.

Actually I'm quite monogamous and don't even have sex when I'm not in a relationship. I've never had a ';hookup';, and I'm sure I'm less ';slutty'; than most les girls.

Or I'll automatically go for guys over girls because I'm a pathetic conformist who would ditch someone I was in love with just because of what other people think.

This one particularly bothers me, because it's a prejudice coming from WITHIN the community, and not only from outside.
Bad relationship with father, overbearing mother.

Someone tried to use the bad relationship with father one on me, So I kept asking asenine question such as! ';So..I wanna ***** my father?, So...I wanna kiss my father?, So..I wanna live with my father, So...I wanna marry my father?!'; You get the picture %26gt;_%26gt;
the one about how we are all possessed by demons.

i mean, really. not in any christian text does it state anything about gay people being possessed (actually not really gay people, but that's not the point).

some people are so naive to believe anything.....
The one that grates on my nerves, that my daughters will be gay because they are being raised by two woman.

Makes me wonder how my straight parents raised a gay daughter.

gosh all of those make sense to me, the one that gets me is the outrageous claim that babies are '; born '; homosexual.

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