Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or False: You can teach yourself to write with your non-dominate hand?

I am right handed, I really want to be left handed. If I tried hard enough, and practiced activity's that are used for little kids learning to write, could I teach myself to be left handed?True or False: You can teach yourself to write with your non-dominate hand?
Yes! Come to the Leftie side, we have cookies and ink stains!

You could after a lot of practice. Tho', I don't know why you want to be a leftie...other than the obvious fact of our awesomeness.True or False: You can teach yourself to write with your non-dominate hand?
Yes, you can. Many people have, particularly those who have lost the use of their dominant hand due to stroke, amputation or similar. It may take a long time. You just have to be patient and practice.

Many children up to the mid 1960's were actually forced to write right-handed even if they were naturally lefties, or ambidextrous. I am one. It can cause learning difficulties, but if you do it voluntarily that's different. I just cite the example to show that you can indeed write with your non-dominant hand.
You can teach yourself to write with your non-dominant hand. You can't teach yourself to be other-handed, because you're born with a right- or left-handed tendency, but you can learn to do things with the other hand.

And, yes, this was an odd place for your question to land.
Your questions end up in the most unlikely categories. Lol!

True. I'm right-handed. Fifteen years ago, I crushed my hand. I was forced to teach myself how to write with my left hand. Now I can do both equally well.
of is not impossible to teach yourself to be left handed.

you can do anything you want if you just practice hard enough. it will take time, but im sure you will accomplish your goal with lots of hard work and determination.
I am ambidextrous, but it is more of a curse than a blessing, one hand is strong and inaccurate the other hand is weak and accurate.

Left hand


Play pool


true seeing eye

undoing things with a screwdriver

using scissors (badly) (whatever hand)

Right hand



throwing things

using machinery

doing things up with a screwdriver

You dont really want to, if you are asking me,

If you are thinking of writing with your left hand you can adapt your handwriting style so as not to drag your hand through the fresh ink
Right handed people are left-brained and left handed people are right-brained. No matter how much you use your left hand you will never be able to change yourself to right brained.

In the same way, straight people can never become gay and gay people can never become straight.
True, people who have accidents and cannot use their dominant hand do so all the time. I learned to write left-handed when I broke my wrist and couldn't use my right hand.

I've done it. To an extent at least. It's very difficult but if you practice enough, you can do it. It's no different than learning to switch hit in baseball.
Yes, you can. Some people have this trait naturally (ambidextrous) while others, with a little work, can develop this this as a skill.
Yes, and it's good for your brain to do it. You can't trust Yahoo to put your question in the right category.
true, ppl who break theyr dominate hand or wrist,and have to go to school and write,learn to write with theyr non-dominate hand,so its def. possible!
Yes you can teach yourself to be left handed, but you will still be right handed also.
True. Keep practicing.
I was born lefty but I can write with my right hand, I just do it slowly.
Yes you can. It takes practice but it can be done.

I can write with both hands.

Used to drive my profs crazy.
Of course you can. It just takes practice to build up your muscle memory.
true yes of course you can but it will take practice I used to do it a lot but it was never as neat.
Yeah, keep my pimp hand strong.
true takes time n effort though
yes, you probably could.

and you just gave me an idea.. i want to be ambidextrous too
You do not want to be left-handed. We get ink allover our hands when we write. :{
yes, with practice
Yes you can..i'm both handed, i started out left

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